A peerage has _______ with the tenure of land:
1. No connection
2.A connection
3.An essential connection
4.None of them
In the House of Lords are no party whips and:
1.Committee formation
3.Parliamentary secretaries
4.None of them
Lord Chancellor while presiding sits:
1.On a wooden chair
2.On a cemented flat form
3.On a wool sack
4.None of them
Mr. Winston Churchill was Prime Minister
1.During First World War
2.During the War of the Boires
3.During the War against Argentina
4.None of them
Social democratic party was formed in:
4.None of them
The British Constitution is based on:
1.Written Character
2.Convention ddenri
3.The theory of separation
4.Federal Character
The First Prime Minister of Britain was:
1.Mr. Macmillan
2.Sir Anthony Eden
3.Sir Anthony Eden
4.Mr. Winston Churchill
The House of Commons has:
1.Four hold control over finance
2.Three fold control over finance
3.Two fold control over finance
4.None of them
The House of Lords consists of Lords temporal and:
1. Lords magnificent
2. Lord Privy
3. Lords spiritual
4.Lords Secular
The House of Lords is:
4.None of them
The Magna Carta was signed by King John in:
The National executive committee consists of:
1.20 members
2.25 members
3.30 members
4.45 members
The Queen appoints judges on the advice of the Prime Minister or:
1.The Home Secretary
2.The Speaker
3.The Deputy Speaker
4.The Lord Chancellor
The Queen can do no wrong means:
1.The Queen is immune from the jurisdiction of law
2.The Queen has no power of ruling
3.The Queen has immense power of ruling
4.The Queen is above law
The Queen must be a faithful:
The term of Houe of Commons is:
1.4 years
2.6 years
3.5 years
4.None of them
What is Doctrine of ultra virus?
1.Is a first class legislation
2.Sub-ordinate legislation
3.Special class of legislation
4.None of them
A large number of acts of indemnity were passed from:
1.1782 to 1828
2.1727 to 1828
3.1728 to 1829
4.1727 to 1828
Conservative party stands for:
1.Public property
2.Private property
3.Public and private property
4.None of them
In the British Constitution election:
1.The Acts of 1832 1867 and 1864
2.The Acts of 1911 and 1949
3.The Acts of 1918 and 1928
4.The Acts of 1932 and 1947
John Major was the Prime Minister of who belonged to:
1.Labour Party
2.Conservative Party
3.Social democratic party
4.None of them
Statutes are the laws made by the:
4.None of them
The Prime Minister has:
1.No say in the making of foreign policy
2.A great say in the making of foreign policy
3.An advisory status in the making of foreign policy
4.None of them
The U.S.S.R means:
1.Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
2.Union of Socialist Soviet Republics
3.Union of Supreme Soviet Republics
4.None of these
Which one is the mother of all parliaments in the world?
1.American Parliament
2.Swiss Parliament
3.English Parliament
4.Mexican Parliament
According to Leslie Stephen the power of legislature is strictly:
4.None of them
Before the passing of the parliament act of 1911:
1.The duration of the House of Commons ws 11 years
2.The duration of the House of Commons was 8 years
3.The duration of the House of Commons was 7 years
4.None of them
English Parliament is a:
1.Unicameral House
2.Tri-cameral House
3. Bicomeral House
4.None of them
Lord Chancellor is the presiding officer:
1.Of House of Commons
2.Of Privy Council
3.Of Financial committee of Parliament
4.Of the House of Lords
Many of the prerogatives have been ________ by the Acts of Parliament
2. Taken away
Member of the House of Lords has:
1.To commit for the contempt of their rights beyond the session
2.To commit for the contempt of rights only for an year
3.To commit for the contempt of their right for two years
4.None of them
Political sovereignty is a:
1.Prominent character of English Parliament
2.A limitation of English Parliament
3. Democratic function of English Parliament
4.None of them
Resolutions of either house of parliament:
1.Has force of law
2.Do not have force of Law
3.Hoave the sanction behind the rule of Law
4.None of them
The British Constitution consists of:
1.Un-chambered system
2.Tri-chambered system
3.Bi-chambered system
4.None of them
The British Constitution is based on:
1.The theory of separation
2.Checks and balances
3.Gap between the theory and practive
4.Judicial review
The British Parliament Act of 1911 as amended in 1949 in legislation:
1.Equated the two houses
2. Pitted the two houses against each other
3.Established the superiority of House of Commons
4.Established the superiority of House of Lords
The dominant character of English parliament:
1. Is sovereignty
2.Authoritarian ship
3.Dictotor ship
4.None of them
The duration of the House of Commons is:
1.4 years
2.5 years
3.6 years
4.7 years
The English legal system the smallest unit of local authority is called:
2. Sub-division
4.None of them
The expenditure on this British Monarchy is:
1.1% of the total British budget
2.2% of the total British budget
3.5% of the total British budget
4.7% of the total British budget
The House of Commons is essentially:
1.A law making body
2.Governing body
3. A law interpreting body
4.None of them
The House of Commons is the:
1.Upper chamber of British Parliament
2.Middle chamber of Irish Parliament
3. Lower chamber of Indian Parliament
4.None of them
The House of Lords is _______ British Parliament:
1.The upper chamber
2.The lower chamber
3.The middle chamber
4.None of them
The House of Lords is:
1.Exclusively hereditary
2.Not exclusively hereditary
4.None of them
The Labour Party eame into existence in:
The life of the House of Commons is:
1.Absolutely fixed
2.Is not absolutely fixed
3.Conventionally fixed
4.None of them
The life peer ages act of ______ gives the crown the power to confer a life peerage upon a manor woman:
4.None of them
The most powerful organ of the labour party is:
1.The Annual Conference
2.Central Executive Committee
3.Political Bureau
4.National Council
The people representation act of 1948 had fixed the number of members of House of Commons at:
4.None of them
The Prime Minister belongs to:
1.The House of Lords
2.The House of Commons
3.The House of representatives
4.None of them
The Queen can pardon or reprieve offenders on the advice of:
1.The Lord Chancellor
2.The Prime Minister
3.The Deputy Speaker
4.The Home Sectiry
The Reforms Acts of 1832 1867 1884 and relate to:
1.Election reforms
2.The powers of the king
4.The powers of the Lords
The sovereignty of Parliament has also been limited by the Statute of West Minister Act of:
The tenure of the first Prime Minister was:
1.From 1721 to 1742
2.From 1751 to 1772
3.From 1851 to 1868
4.None of them
Under the leadership of Mrs. Thatcher:
1.Conservative Party won there regular terms
2.Conservative Party won two regular terms
3.Conservative Party won five regular terms
4.None of them