IIT JEE/IIT JEE Fluids At Rest Sample Test,Sample questions

A block weighs 15 N and 12 N in air and water respectively. When it is immersed in another liquid it weighs 13 N then the relative density of the block is:





A boat is floating on the surface of water in a tank carrying steel balls. If the balls are thrown into the tank one by one how will it affect the level of water?

1.It will rise

2.It will fall

3.It will remain unchanged

4.First it will rise and then fall

A body weighs 5 N in air and 2 N when immersed in a liquid. The buoyant force is:

1.2 N

2.3 N

3.5 N

4.7 N

A closed rectangular tank 10 m long, 5 m wide and 3 m deep is completely filled with an oil of specific gravity 0.92. The pressure difference between the rear and front corners of the tank, if it is moving with an acceleration of 3 m/s2 in the horizontal direction, is:

1.27.6 kPa

2.50 kPa

3.60 kPa


A dam for water reservoir is built thicker at the bottom than at the top because:

1.pressure of water is very large at the bottom due to its large depth

2.water is likely to have more density at the bottom due to its large depth

3.quantity of water at the bottom is large

4.none of the above

A dog is sitting in a boat which is floating in a pond. If the dog drinks some water from the pond then:

1.the level of water in the pond decreases

2.the level of water in the pond increases

3.the level of water in the pond first increases, then decreases

4.the level of water in the pond remains unchanged

A glass bulb is balanced by a brass weight in a sensitive beam balance Now the balance is covered by a bell-jar which is then evacuated; then:

1.the beam will remain horizontal

2.the pan containing the bulb will go down

3.the pan containing the bulb will go up

4.the pan will rotate about its axis

A glass bulb is balanced by a brass weight in a sensitive beam balance. Now the balance is covered by a glass-jar which is then evacuated. Then:

1.the beam will remain horizontal

2.the pan containing the bulb will go down

3.the pan containing the bulb will go up

4.none of the above

A neckless weighing 50 g in air but it weighs 46 g in water. Assume copper is mixed with gold to prepare the neckless. How much copper is present in it? (Specific gravity of gold is 20 and that of copper is 10)

1.m = 30 g

2.m = 35 g

3.m = 20 g


A solid floats in a liquid in the partially submerged position:

1.the solid exerts a force equal to its weight on the liquid

2.the liquid exerts a force of buoyancy on the solid which is equal to the weight of the solid

3.the weight of the displaced liquid equals the weight of the solid

4.all of the above

A solid is completely immersed in a liquid The force exerted by the liquid on the solid will:

none of the above

1.increase if it is pushed deeper inside the liquid

2.change if its orientation is changed

3.decrease if it is taken partially out of the liquid

4.none of the above

A vessel contains oil (density 0.8 g/cc) over mercury (density 13.6 g/cc). A homogeneous sphere floats with half its volume immersed in mercury and the other half in oil. The density of the material of the sphere in g/cc is:





An alloy is prepared by mixing equal volume of two metals. The specific gravity of alloy is 4. But when equal masses of two same metals are mixed together the specific gravity of alloy is 3. The specific gravity of each metal is:

1.2 4

2.6 4

3.6 2

4.4 8

An iron ball is weighed in air and then in water by a spring balance:

1.its weight in air is more than in water

2.its weight in water is more than in air

3.its weight is same both in air and water

4.its weight is zero in water

Bernoullis equation is applicable to points:

1.in a steadily flowing liquid

2.in a stream line

3.in a straight line perpendicular to a stream line

4.in any non-viscous liquid

Bernoullis equation is based upon:

1.isochoric process

2.isobaric process

3.isothermal process

4.adiabatic process

if a liquid is subjected to a horizontal acceleration then:

1.slope of the liquid is inversely proportional to the horizontal acceleration

2.slope of the liquid is directly proportional to the horizontal acceleration

3.there is no direct relation between acceleration and inclination

4.none of the above

If there were a smaller gravitational effect, which of the following forces do you think would alter in some respect?

1.Viscous force

2.Archimedes uplift

3.Electrostatic force

4.Nuclear force

In a beaker containing liquid, an ice cube is floating When ice melts completely, the level of liquid rises Then the density of the liquid is:

1.more than the density of ice

2.less than the density of ice

3.same as the density of ice

4.none of the above

In a steady incompressible flow of a liquid:

1.the speed does not change if the area of cross-section changes

2.the speed increases if the area of cross-section increases

3.the speed decreases if the area of cross-section increases

4.bubbles are produce when the area of the cross-section increases

In each heart beat, a heart pump 80 ml of blood at an average pressure of 100 mm of Hg. What will be the power output of the heart? (Assume 60 heart beats per minute)





In English, the phrase tip of the iceberg is used to mean a small visible fraction of something that is mostly hidden. For a real iceberg, what is this fraction if the density of sea water is 1.03 g/cc and that of ice is 0.92 g/cc?






Magnus effect is very near to the:

1.magnetic field

2.electric field

3.Bernoullis theorem

4.magnetic effect of current

The force of buoyancy on an immersed body is:

1.due to weight of the body

2.due to the pressure difference between upper surface and lower surface of the body

3.due to atmospheric pressure

4.both A and B are correct

The horizontal flow of fluid depends upon:

1.pressure difference

2.amount of fluid

3.density of fluid

4.all of these

The pressure at the bottom of a tank of liquid is not proportional to:

1.the density of the liquid

2.the area of the liquid surface

3.the height of the liquid

4.the acceleration

What is flowing through a pipe of uniform cross-section under constant pressure. At some place the pipe becomes narrow; the pressure of water at this place:



3.remains unchanged

4. depends on several factors

When a slip floats on water:

1.its displaces no water the mass of water

2.displaced is equal to the mass of the ship

3.the mass of water displaced is lesser than the mass of the ship

4.the mass of water displaced is greater than the mass of the ship

When equal volumes of two substances are mixed, the specific gravity of mixture is 4. When equal weights of the same substances are mixed, the specific gravity of the mixture is 3. The specific gravity of the two substances would be:

1.6 and 2

2.3 and 4

3.2.5 and 3.5

4.4 8


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