General Science/Basic Science Nuclear Physics Nuclear Terms Sample Test,Sample questions

.Empirical formula for the nuclear radius R is A1/3

2.ro1/3 A

3.(ro A)1/3 A

A nucleus is symbolically represented as ZXA where A represents the number of





Charge of a proton is equal to

1.1.6 ? 1019 C

2.1.66 ? 10-27 C

3.1.6 ? 10-19 C

4.1.66 ? 1027 C

Charge of the nucleus is due to

1.protons in it

2.neutrons in it

3.both protons and neutrons in it


Energy equivalent of 1 amu is equal to

1.1.66 ? 10-27 ? (3?108)2J

2.1.66 ? 10-27 ? 3?108 J

3.1.66 ? 10-27 ? 3?109 J

4.1.66 ? 10-8 J

Energy of an electron in atom and nuclear energy are respectively in the order of

1.MeV and eV

2.MeV and MeV

3.eV and eV

4.eV and MeV

Isotopes of a given element have28.

1.same mass number

2.same neutron number

3.same chemical properties

4.different chemical properties

Mass difference is equal to

1.Real mass � (Zmp + Nmn)

2.(Zmn + Nmp) � real mass

3.Real mass � (Zmn + Nmp)

4.(Zmp + Nmn) � real mass

Mass number refers to

1.the number of neutrons

2.the number of protons

3.the sum of the number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus

4.the number of positrons

Mass of proton is

1.1.007277 amu

2.1.6600 amu

3.1.008665 amu

4.1.00325 amu

Mass-energy equation is

1.E = m/c2

2.E = mc

3.E = m/c

4.E = mc2

Nuclear density is equal to

1.1.816 ? 1010 kg m-3

2.1.816 ? 1017 kg m-3

3.1.314 ? 104 kg m-3

4.1.314 ? 1010 kg m-3

Nuclear term A represents the number of





Nuclei of isotopes have same

1.atomic number

2.neutron number

3.mass number

4.mass deflect

Nucleons are held together by

1.electrostatic force

2.nuclear force

3.magnetic force

4.gravitational force

One Fermi is equivalent to

1.10-10 m

2.10-12 m

3.10-15 m

4.10-16 m

Pick out isotopes from the following

1.1H1 6C12

2.7N15 8O16

3.1H3 2He3

4.92U235 92U238

Real nucleus mass is

1.greater than (Zmp + Nmn)

2.less than (Zmn + Nmp)

3.less than (Zmp + Nmn)

4.greater than (Zmn + Nmp)

The atomic mass unit (amu) is defined as 1/12 of the mass of

1.6C14 atom

2.6C11 atom

3.6C12 atom

4.6C13 atom

The atomic number Z of a element is equal to13.

1.the number of neutrons

2.the number of protons

3.the number of positrons

4.the sum of number of the neutrons and protons

The atomic number Z the neutron number N and the mass number A are related by

1.A � Z = N

2.A + Z = N

3.A + N = Z

4.2A= Z � N

The mass of a neutron is

1.1.00728 amu

2.1.00866 amu

3.1.66 amu

4.1.602 amu

The mass of proton is about

1.1836 times that of electrons

2.1836 times that of neutrons

3.1/1836 times that of electrons

4.1/1836 times that of neutrons

The neutron which is slightly

1.heavier than proton possesses charge

2.lighter than proton possesses charge

3.lighter than proton possesses no charge

4.heavier than proton possesses no charge

The radius of a nucleus is about





The radius of an atom is about





The term nucleon is used to refer to




4.either neutron or proton

Which of the following are referred to as nucleons

1.protons and electrons

2.neutrons and electrons

3.neutrons and protons

4.neutrons and positrons

Which of the following is different for the isotopes of the same element

1.atomic number

2.atomic weight

3.number of electrons

4.number of protons


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