General Science/Basic Science physics Study Of The Sun Sample Test,Sample questions

Central core of the Sun is called


2. ionosphere

3. chromospheres

4. corona

Eleven year cycle refers to

1. the appearance of sunspots once in eleven years

2. life time of sunspots

3. period of variation in number of sunspots between two minima

4. period of variation in number of sunspots from maximum to minimum

If T is the surface temperature of the Sun the energy radiated is

1. proportional to T2

2. proportional to T4

3. inversely proportional to T4

4. inversely proportional to T2

Most brilliant nova was observed by


2. Copernicus

3. Tycho Brahe

4. Kepler

Primary constituents of the Sun are

1. hydrogen and heavy elements

2. hydrogen and helium

3. heavy elements

4. helium and heavy elements

Solar constant can be determined by the instrument called

1. pyrometer

2. pyroheliometer

3. thermopile

4. thermometer

Solar energy is due to

1. nuclear fission

2. nuclear fusion

3. both fission and fusion

4. combination of gases

Solar wind is produced from

1. photosphere

2. ionosphere

3. chromospheres

4. corona

Stars that suddenly attain large brightness and may be seen even during day time and slowly fades away are called


2. comets

3. meteors



1. occur at random

2. vary from maximum to zero

3. vary from minimum to maximum

4. occur in fixed number

Sunspots represents regions of

1. high temperature

2.large magnetic field

3. craters

4. brightness

Supernova is

1. a comet

2. a proto star

3. a large nova

4. a shooting star

The amount of Suns radiation received per second by unit area of a black body on Earth with its surface perpendicular to atmosphere when the Earth is at mean distance from the sun is called

1. solar radiation

2. solar wind

3. solar energy

4. solar constant

The mass of the Sun is

1. 1.39 ? 109 kg

2. 1.969 ? 1030 kg

3.1.39 ? 1033 kg

4.1.85 ? 6523 kg

The rate of radiation of energy by the Sun is

1. 4 ? 1026 Js-1

2. 1.969 ? 1030 Js-1

3. 1.496 ? 1011 Js-1

4. 1.39 ? 109 Js-1

The unit of solar constant is

1. Jm-2

2. Wm-2K-1

3. Wm-2

4. Jm-2K-1

Which of the following is NOT important type of stars

1. double and multiple stars

2. intrinsically variable star

3.shooting stars

4. novae and supernovae

Who suggested that the proton cycle is the source of solar energy

1. Kepler

2. Tycho Brahe

3. Hans Bethe

4. Copernicus


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