MBA/MBA Advertising and Sales Promotion Mcq Set 12 Sample Test,Sample questions

Paid advertising based on a per-click model is called

1.Source advertising

2.Sponsored search-engine advertising


4.ICT indicators

People exposed to more advertising clutter

1.remember more of it

2.only remember some of it

3.remember none of it

4.remember less of it.

People not only consume media simultaneously, they also consume more media than in previous periods. Estimates put this between, but

1.3 and 7 hours a day

2.7 and 11 hours a day

3.5 and 9 hours a day

4.9 and 13 hours a day

Perception is concerned with how individuals ___________ stimuli so that they can understand the world.

1.organise and interpret, select, organise and interpret


4.interpret, select and organise

Place-based media occur in which venues?



3.Scaffolding Wraps

4.Outdoor Billboard

Print advertising is sometimes also called

1.Electronic Advertising

2.Business Advertising

3.Press Advertising

4.None of the above

Procter & Gamble employ what kind of model to agency management?





Psychographic profiles would include

1.The post code of the consumer

2.The generation to which the consumer belongs

3.The lifestyle habits, attitudes and values of the consumer

4.None of the above

Radio is often referred to as:

1.Surround Sound

2.The Theatre of the Absurd

3.The Theatre of the Mind

4.Mindful Theatre

Reach is defined as?

1.The total number of duplicated exposures

2.The Number of times a reader is exposed to a message

3.Insufficient exposure to the target audience

4.The total number of unduplicated exposures

Recent thinking has shown that feelings and emotions shape our thoughts, at all times. This means that advertising might; effective when integrated effective through mere exposure effective through a high level of exposure effective through high frequency exposure

Reinforcement campaigns work by _______

1.Developing new behaviours

2.Reinforcing existing behaviour

3.Changing behaviour

4.Reminding about product attributes

Richards and Curran (2002) labelled the definition ‘Advertising is a paid, mediated form of communication from an identifiable source, designed to persuade the receiver to take some action, now or in the future.’ as a ______

1.proposed definition

2.classic definition

3.current definition

4.retrospective definition

Rossiter and Bellman (2005) present the link between deontological and teleological ethical theories as a two part principle based on what?





Schramm (1955) determined that communication consisted of a series of core, essentially sequential activities. These are:

1.encoding, understanding, and decoding

2.sourcing, encoding, and decoding

3.encoding, signal, and decoding

4.encoding, decoding, and feedback

Shimp (2010) identifies that although advertisers aim for their ads to be creative, they also need them to ___________ in the memory of the receiver. Complete blank:





SIM stands for

1.Social Media Marketing

2.Social Influence Marketing

3.Web 2.0 technologies

4.Social Instant Medium

Sir John Hegarty is the Global Artistic Director for which agency:




4.CHI & Partners

Social media measurement can gather information on

1.Word of mouth

2.New customers


4.Operational efficiency

Strategic balance considers the relation between:

1.Marketing strategies

2.Advertising strategies

3.Push, pull and profile strategies

4.Business strategies

Strategic media planning is a complex challenge because advertises must use their knowledge of



3.Behavioural characteristics

4.All of the above

Strategy can be applied at which of the following levels?





Stuhlfaut (2011) offers a concept which he refers to as the Creative _____





Successful brands might be considered to encapsulate the three Brand Ps (3BPs). These are;

1.performance, processes, and preferences

2.promises, processes and payback

3.promises, positioning and performance

4.positioning, preconditions, and preference

Successful creativity leads from identifying a client's:





Target audiences should perceive communications and associated cues as:

1.Relevant, likeable, timely and of value.

2.Detailed, realistic, manageable and measurable.

3.Memorable, humorous, creative and simple

4.Structured, interesting, viable and understandable.

The 'flighting' media schedule is

1.A hybrid strategy of scheduling

2.A continuous pattern of messaging

3.An intermittent pattern of high activity and low activity

4.Intermittent, intense activity within a continuous pattern

The 'Opportunity buy'

1.Is negotiated in advance of the broadcast season

2.Occurs one-quarter in advance of the airdate

3.Occurs when time and space is bought last minute

4.None of the above

The AAR Group helps advertisers to:

1.Evaluate advertising effectiveness

2.Find an advertising agency

3.Set advertising budgets

4.Manage relationships with agencies

The acronym TRP stands for

1.Target Rating Point

2.Target Relieve Project

3.Thousands of Rating Points

4.Gross Rating Points

The ASA specify that no advertisement aimed at children should 'contain anything likely to result in children's ___________, ___________ OR ___________harm'.

1.physical, mental, moral harm

2.moral harm, physical, mental

3.mental, moral harm, physical


The body that regulates advertising in the UK is:





The Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) covers ___________ advertising, ___________ promotion and ___________ marketing. Complete blanks, non-broadcast, sales

2.sales, direct, non-broadcast,

3.non-broadcast, sales, direct

4.Ad response-Brand Response

The core model of communication has been criticised for its

1.oversimplification, and potential for media corruption

2.oversimplification, and potential for information deviance.

3.negligence of people in the process, and potential for media corruption

4.negligence of media in the process, and potential for information deviance

The dimensions used on the vertical axis of the FCB Grid is

1.Ad response-Brand Response

2.Strong-Weak Attractiveness


4.High-Low Involvement

The ELM proposes that there are two main routes to attitude change. These are

1.central and peripheral routes

2.central and internal routes

3.internal and external routes

4.external and peripheral routes

The estimated number of people an advertisement reaches is called




4.Newsstand Purchases

The first advertising agencies appeared in the ___________ century.





The focus of an employer brand rests with communication with both current and prospective employees of an organisation. The goal is to ___________

1.reinforce company values

2.develop feelings and behaviours that develop the reputation

3.minimise the presence of deviant information

4.improve efficiency

The funnel metaphor in the consumer decision-making process is fading because

1.It fails to account for brand awareness

2.It fails to account for consumer engagement in digital media

3.It fails to account for consumers at the wide end of the funnel

4.It fails to account for paid-media push marketing

The holy grail of communications is an agency’s ability to offer clients

1.a single point from which all of their integrated communication needs can be met.

2.a single point from which all of their strategic needs can be met.

3.a single point from which all of their planning needs can be met.

4.a single point from which all the best creative process are located

The industry body responsible for monitoring advertising of alcoholic products is called:

1.Diageo Group

2.Portman Group

3.Drink Aware

4.Alcohol Concern

The Interactional model of communication attempts to assimilate the variety of ___________ acting upon the ___________ process. These include the ___________ people give to communications received from people and machines.

1.responses, influences, communication

2.influences, communication, responses

3.communication, influences, responses


The main levels of organisational strategy are:





The media planner's task is challenging because it must typically

1.Have knowledge of traditional as well as emerging and converging forms of media

2.Watch much TV

3.Monitor all social sites

4.Know everything about newspapers

The move from single sponsor programme support to participation advertising was due primarily to ______

1.Increasing competition

2.Rising costs

3.Improving technology

4.The need for more varied creative content

The presentation of (advertising) stimuli that conflict with an individual's expectations will invariably _______

1.receive more attention acted upon remembered disregarded

The principle of building a border around an idea or story and then presenting a contained and managed view of an issue is known as:





The print medium continues to rely heavily on CPM to determine scheduling. What is CPM?

1.A payment received for each action

2.A percentage of impressions that results in a click

3.The relative average cost to reach one thousand people

4.A percentage of households tuned to TV

The role of advertising is to ____

1.inform audiences

2.stimulate audiences

3.remind audiences

4.engage audiences


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