MBA/MBA Advertising and Sales Promotion Mcq Set 13 Sample Test,Sample questions

The salience interpretation is based upon the premise that advertising works by _____

1.demonstrating expertise

2.being easily recalled

3.standing out

4.being attractive

The To-Go model of advertising works by persuading people to

1.getting a brand talked about

2.create content, and find out more a brand

The TV series Madmen is based on the location of many of America's leading advertising agencies:

1.Madeleine Avenue

2.Madover Heights

3.Madison Avenue

4.Madson Square

The Weak theory of advertising was developed by



3.Lavidge and Steiner


There are two key characteristics associated with a message source. These are:

1.expertise and attractiveness

2.source credibility and power

3.level of deviance and attractiveness

4.source credibility and attractiveness

There are two key characteristics associated with a message source. These are:

1.expertise and attractiveness

2.source credibility and power

3.level of deviance and attractiveness

4.source credibility and attractiveness

There are two particular influences on the communication process. These are and people and people

3.culture and technology and technology

Two organisations that measure Internet and connected devices audiences are





UGC can be derived through which of the following processes:

1.Crowd sources

2.Open sources

3.Friend sources

4.Closed sources

Unwin (1974) suggests the creative style used to communicate brand ideas and associations constitutes a ____ of realism

2.culture of values

3.language of advertising

4.form of communication

USP stands for

1.unified selling proposition

2.unique standard process

3.unique selling promise

4.unique selling proposition

We use associations made about brand names and product attributes, as cues to;

1.retrieve information about product performance

2.retrieve information about product quality

3.assure ourselves of our brand preferences

4.remind ourselves about product benefits

What does Google Analytics measure, among other things?


2.landing pages



What is most common form of agency structure?



3.Full Service


What is the formula for calculating Gross Rating Points?

1.SOA x frequency = GRP

2.SOA x Reach = GRP

3.Reach x frequency = GRP

4.HUT x reach = GRP

What is the name of the industry body set up to monitor the advertising of alcoholic drink products?





What is unique about social media marketing?

1.Interactive communication

2.Generates contacts quickly

3.Can combine game and other elements

4.All of the above

What kind of appeals to Dens and De Pelsmacker suggest as most successful in high involvement purchase situations?





What percentage might normally be paid by an agency when remunerating an advertising agency?





What percentage of social network users agreed that they would tolerate more advertising on the web sites they use, on condition that the site remained free to access.





Where low levels of awareness are matched by low involvement, the prime objective has to be to create awareness of the product create awareness of the product provide product information change perceptions develop attitudes towards the product

Which brand is well known for 'edgy' advertising?


2.Body Shop



Which company had the highest advertising spend in the UK in 2010?

1.Procter & Gamble




Which Government report looked into commercialisation and sexualisation of childhood in 2011?





Which Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani became well known for the controversial Benetton ads.

1.Antonio Valesco

2.Paulo Mantini

3.Roberto Advanti

4.Oliviero Toscani

Which medium is often referred to as 'junk mail'?

1.Newspaper inserts

2.Direct Mail


4.Yellow Pages

Which of the following activities are pre requisites for successful positioning?

1.Market research

2.Context analysis

3.Market segmentation

4.Target marketing

Which of the following are considered by Zablah et al., (2010) to be a dimension of brand performance.

1.Brand preference

2.Brand consciousness

3.Brand sensitivity

4.Brand importance

Which of the following are online advertising methods through which advertisers attempt to drive traffic to Internet sites





Which of the following concepts may enter into media buying negotiations?

1.Rate cards

2.Preferred position

3.Volume buys

4.All of the above

Which of the following is not a dimension of psychosocial meaning, as determined by Aaker (1997)?





Which of the following is not a recognised brand category





Which of the following is not a recognised IPA approach to integration?

1.Advertising-led integration


3.Brand idea-led orchestration


Which of the following is not a recognised method of setting advertising budgets?

1.Competitive parity

2.Share of market

3.Share of voice

4.Percentage of gross margin

Which of the following is not a recognised type of advertising





Which of the following is not a school of art to have been represented in advertising, can all be observed in billboards and post




4.Art Deco

Which of the following is not a standard in online advertising?

1.Static banners

2.Dynamic banners

3.Referrals links


Which of the following is not a strength of the television medium?

1.High Impact and Dynamic Medium

2.High Initial Production Cost

3.Cost Efficient Medium for Reach

4.High Reach Medium

Which of the following is not a syndicated marketing research firm?

1.Apple Computer Systems

2.TNS Worldwide



Which of the following is not a valid statement?

1.Media planning is less important than creative

2.Independent media buying services specialise in media planning

3.It is necessary to plan for out-of-home media

4.The media environment has become fiercely competitive

Which of the following is not a weakness of using online in the media plan?

1.It can reach a global and local audience

2.It is subject to high levels of clutter

3.It can be intrusive

4.It is not emotive

Which of the following is not one of the four forms of interactive digital advertising, identified by Cheng et al (2009).

1.web site




Which of the following measurement cues does mobile measurement borrow from traditional measurement?

1.High Reach Medium

2.Opportunity to See (OTS)

3.Service quality

4.Device share

Which of the following might be considered as influencing strategies?

1.Emotional involvement




Which of the following researchers offered this definition of integrated marketing communications? IMC is an audience-driven business process of strategically managing stakeholders, content, channels, and results of brand communication programs.

1.Duncan, and Moriarty (1997)

2.Kliatchko (2008)

3.Kotler (1999)

4.Keller, (2001)

Which of the following would not be involved in setting media objectives?


2.Low involvement purchase decisions



Which one of the following is not one of the four main types of spokesperson.


2.chief executive officers



Which online marketing tool is still the most frequent used?


2.Pay per Click


4.E-mail marketing

Who from the following list claims this as a definition of a brand "a cluster of values that enables a promise to be made about a unique and welcomed experience."

1.Riezebos (2003) Chernatony (2009)

3.Schmitt (1999)

4.Keller (2008)

Who from the following list claims this as a definition of a brand A name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors.

1.Riezebos (2003)

2.The American Marketing Association

3.Keller (2008)

4.Assael (1990)

Who has been described as the 'Father of Modern Advertising'?

1.David Ogilvy

2.Sir John Hegarty

3.Sir Martin Sorrel

4.Bill Bernbach


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