MBA/MBA Business Communication MCQ Set 9 Sample Test,Sample questions

The following are examples of transitions that connect ideas except

1."for example"

2."Now that we've reviewed the problem, let's take a look at some solutions."


4."Now I'd like to hear from the audience."

The following are features of a good outline except

1.ensures that each group is separate and distinct.

2.restricts each subdivision.

3.divides a topic into at least two parts.

4.includes complete sentences.

The following are goals of a bad-news message except reduce or eliminate the need for future correspondence on the matter. increase sales. maintain as much goodwill as possible with your audience. gain acceptance for the bad news.

The following are goals of paraphrasing except

1.keep it shorter than the original.

2.quote the original source accurately. not alter or distort the meaning of the original text.

4.present the source in your own words.

The following are guidelines for making a database search except

1.use Boolean operators.

2.use stop words.

3.use proximity operators.

4.use wildcards.

The following are guidelines for writing a successful news release except

1.use colourful adjectives and adverbs.

2.eliminate clutter such as redundancy and extraneous facts.

3.put your most important idea first.

4.include no marketing or sales material.

The following are key ingredients of a good persuasive claim except

1.completely and specifically reviewing the facts.

2.using a confident and positive tone.

3.focusing on the audience benefits of granting the claim.

4.relating your complaint to similar products by the company.

The following are primary sources of information except

1.conducting interviews.

2.surveying people.

3.making observations.

4.reading books and articles.

The following are qualities of a sound conclusion except

1.must fulfill the original statement of purpose.

2.must be based strictly on the information provided in the rest of the report.

3.must be logical.

4.must be based on primary, not secondary sources.

The following are questions to ask yourself in order to make ethical choices except the message positive or negative? it a decision you can live with? the message balanced? the decision legal?

The following are structural approaches for a logical argument except

1.the direct approach.

2.the 2 + 2 = 4 approach.

3.the scientific method.

4.the yardstick approach.

The following are techniques for stating bad news except

1.subordinate bad news in a compound or complex sentence.

2.state what the company cannot do

3.embed bad news in the middle of a paragraph.

4.minimize the space devoted to the bad news.

The following are things to do when writing a buffer except

1.apologize for the inconvenience.

2.avoid saying no.

3.avoid wordy and irrelevant phrases and sentences.

4.avoid a lengthy buffer.

The following are tips for the application letter except

1.Write to a specific person using his/her name, title, and department.

2.Be as clear as possible about the kind of opportunity and industry you're looking for.

3.Meticulously check your spelling, writing, and grammar.

4.All the above are tips for the application letter.

The following are tools for giving readers a sense of the overall structure of your document except

1.the opening.

2.previews and reviews.

3.headings and lists.

4.All the above are tools for giving readers a sense of the overall structure of your document.

The following are topics for arranging material in an informational report except

1.indirect order.




The following are transitional words indicating a causal relationship except



3.on the other hand. a result.

The following are true of routine replies except your main idea in the opening.

2.close cordially.

3.use the middle to explain all the relevant details.

4.introduce yourself in the opening.

The following are types of informational reports except

1.supporting a recommendation.

2.monitoring and controlling operations.

3.implementing policies and procedures.

4.complying with government regulations.

The following are typical of low-context cultures except

1.meetings often have fixed agendas and plenty of advance notice.

2.executive offices are separate with controlled access.

3.executive offices are shared and open to all.

4.objective data is valued over subjective relationships.

The following are uses of bar graphs except how parts of a whole are distributed.

2.indicate the composition of several items over time. changes in one item over time. the size of several items at one time.

The following are ways to establish credibility except

1.establish common ground.

2.declare your trustworthiness. an expert. your message with facts.

The following are ways to use the Web to search for jobs except

1.searching for job vacancies.

2.researching companies.

4.using a central, unified marketplace.

The following can cause communication barriers except

1.emotional distractions.

2.ethical communication.

3.restrictive environments.

4.too many messages.

The following guidelines apply to the middle section of routine requests except

1.ask the most important questions first. with only one topic per question.

3.ask only relevant questions.

4.request a specific action.

The following guidelines will help you write survey questions that yield reliable, valid results except

1.use leading questions.

2.keep the questionnaire short and easy to answer.

3.formulate questions that are easy to tabulate.

4.ask only one thing at a time.

The following is good advice about the preliminary screening interview except attention to one key aspect of your background that is relevant to the job in question.

2.talking too much can be a big mistake.

3.keep responses short and to the point.

4.All the above are good advice about the preliminary screening interview.

The following might be appropriate in a request for adjustment except

1.tell your reader exactly what will return the company to your good graces.

2.ask the reader to resolve the problem.

3.All the above might be appropriate. your contact information and the best time to call you.

The following should be accomplished by the presentation's opening except

1.arousing your audience's interest in your topic.

2.establishing your credibility.

3.preparing your audience for what will follow.

4.All the above should be accomplished by the introduction.

The following sources are found in libraries except

1.electronic database. books.


4.All the above are found in libraries.

The following statements about an oral communication channel are true except

1.The more you interact with your audience, the more control you will have.

2.An opportunity of an oral communication channel is your ability to use nonverbal cues to reinforce your message.

3.The major opportunity of an oral communication channel lies in the interaction that is possible between you and your audience.

4.All the above statements are true.

The following statements about describing your work are true except

1.Call attention to your progression from jobs of lesser to greater responsibility.

2.State your functional title before each job

3.Do not include any part-time, summer, or intern positions.

4.List your jobs in chronological order, with the current one listed first.

The following statements about formal reports are true except

1.A formal report is directed primarily to readers outside an organization.

2.What sets a formal report apart from others is its polish.

3.A formal report can be informational or analytical, direct or indirect.

4.A formal report's manuscript format and impersonal tone convey a sense of professionalism.

The following statements about letters from Japan are true except

1.A thank you for your patronage will appear early in the letter.

2.They typically begin with a remark about the season or weather.

3.The main idea will come first.

4.Early in the letter will be an inquiry about your health or congratulations on your success.

The following statements about previews are true except

1.Use a preview section to help readers get ready for new information.

2.Previews help readers absorb details while keeping track of the big picture.

3.Preview sections precede important material in a report.

4.Previews are helpful when the information is complex or unexpected.

The following statements about the ending of a report are true except

1.If an analytical report is written in indirect order, end with conclusions and recommendations as key points.

2.End by reminding readers of your key point or your conclusions or recommendations.

3.End by summarizing the benefits to the reader if the report suggests a change of course.

4.End with the executive summary.

The following statements about the synopsis of a proposal are true except

1.a synopsis is necessary even in short proposals. some cases, a synopsis or executive summary can serve you well.

3.a synopsis is not needed in an unsolicited proposal.

4.A synopsis may be unnecessary if your proposal is solicited.

The following statements about visual aids are true except

1.Visual aids dramatically increase the audience's ability to absorb and remember information.

2.Visuals are a convenience for the speaker because they are an effective tool for remembering the details of a message.

3.Audiences remember 20 percent of the speaker's message when the information is supported with visual aids.

4.Speakers who use visual aids often appear better prepared and more professional than speakers who do not use visual aids.

The following statements are true about discussing salary except

1.You're in a strong position if your skills are in short supply and you have several offers.

2.Most organizations are fairly flexible about salary practices, especially at the entry level.

3.If asked about salary requirements, say that you would expect to receive the standard salary for the job in question.

4.Let the interviewer raise the subject.

The following statements are true of all cultures except

1.cultures vary in stability.

2.cultures resist outside influences.

3.cultures vary in tolerance.

4.culture is learned.

The following statements are true of application letters except

1.They let readers know how they can benefit from reading it.

2.Avoid phrases such as "To whom it may concern."

3.Both solicited and unsolicited application letters need attention-getting openers.

4.Send your application letter and resume together.

The following statements are true of application letters except

1.The middle section presents details about your strongest selling points.

2.The opening paragraph should state the position you are applying for.

3.The final paragraph asks the reader for a specific action.

4.All the above statements are true.

The following statements are true of high-context cultures except

1.A speaker is likely to spell out his or her expectations through explicit statements.

2.Speakers expect receivers of messages to discover the essence of a message.

3.Speakers will use indirectness and metaphor to provide a web of meaning.

4.People rely less on verbal communication and more on the context of non-verbal actions to convey meaning.

The following statements are true of the open-ended interview except

1.In an open-ended interview a candidate should reveal a great deal about personal or family problems.

2.The interviewer poses broad questions and encourages the applicant to talk freely.

3.The open-ended interview is good for bringing out an applicant's personality and is used to test professional judgment.

4.All the above statements are true of the open-ended interview.

The following statements are true of the structured interview except

1.Working from a checklist of questions, the interviewer asks candidates each prepared question.

2.In a structured interview the employer asks a series of prepared questions in a set order.

3.A structured interview is generally used after the screening stage.

4.The structured interview is generally regarded as a poor measure of an applicant's personal qualities.

The following tips will help you make oral presentations to intercultural audiences except

1.speak slowly and distinctly. your oral message with visual aids.

3.repeat key words and phrases.

4.All the above are good tips for communicating with intercultural audiences.

The following tips will help you prepare for a job interview except

1.Memorize your responses to anticipated questions.

2.Have a friend conduct a mock interview using anticipated questions.

3.Anticipate questions and prepare answers in advance.

4.Tape-record your answers and then listen to see if they sound clear and convincing.

The following tips will help you prepare for a video interview except

1.look up, but not down.

2.during the interview speak more slowly than normally.

3.try to show some animation, but not too much (since it will look blurry to the interviewer).

4.arrive early enough to get used to the equipment and setting.

The four phases of the AIDA plan are

1.attention, initiative, desire, and action.

2.attention, interest, desire, and action.

3.action, initiative, desire, and action.

4.action, interest, desire, and attention.

The informal network that is known as the "grapevine" used by savvy managers to spread and receive informal messages. exclusively with personal matters.

3.carries information along the organization's formal chain of chain of command.

4.rarely contains accurate information.

The opening of a formal report accomplishes the following except

1.previews the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.

2.introduces the subject of the report.

3.indicates why the subject is important.

4.lists the recommendations.

The tone of a bad-news message helps readers in the following ways except

1.encourage further correspondence.

2.understand that, under the circumstances, your decision was fair and reasonable.

3.preserve their pride.

4.accept that your bad news represents a firm decision.

These are good strategies for overcoming resistance except

1.holding your arguments until the other person is ready for them.

2.evaluating others' objections fairly.

3.ignoring it until it goes away.

4.making people aware of their resistance.

To discover what will bring you satisfaction on the job, ask yourself the following questions except

1.What sort of corporate culture are you most comfortable with?

2.What would you like to do everyday?

3.What are the sources of employment information?

4.What size company would you prefer?

To evaluate the credibility of sources, ask the following questions except

1.Where did the source get its information?

2.Can it be found by several different search engines?

3.Is the source potentially biased?

4.Is the material current?

To help decide whether or not to send your business message at this time, you should ask yourself four questions. Which of the following is not one of those questions?

1.Is your purpose realistic?

2.Is the right person delivering the message?

3.Is your message likely to please the audience?

4.Is this the right time?

To hold the attention of your audience during a speech or presentation, you must do all of the following except

1.define your purpose.

2.relate your subject to your audience's needs.

3.explain the relationship between your subject and familiar ideas.

4.use clear, vivid language.

To limit the scope of a study, ask the following questions except

1.How did the situation originate?

2.What medium and channel should be used?

3.What needs to be determined?

4.Who is involved in the situation?

To preview your speech, do the following except

1.establish credibility.

2.summarize the main idea.

3.indicate the order in which you will develop these points.

4.identify the supporting points.

Use the direct approach when the audience is

1.eager and interested.

2.interested and displeased.

3.eager and displeased.

4.interested and neutral.

Use the indirect approach when the audience is

1.pleased and interested.

2.interested and willing.



What is the ratio of receiving to sending information?

1.50% receiving/50% sending

2.32% receiving/68% sending

3.71% receiving/29% sending

4.61% receiving/39% sending

What percentage of communication time do businesspeople spend listening?





What percentage of each workweek is wasted because of poor communication?

1.25 %

2.2 %

3.40 %

4.15 %

What step in the communication process allows you to evaluate your message's effectiveness?

1.Selection of the communication medium.

2.Feedback sent by the receiver to the sender.

3.Decoding of the message by the receiver.

4.Encoding of the message by the sender.

When a crisis hits, an organization should do the following except

1.issue frequent news updates each day.

2.use the crisis to promote products and services.

3.tell the receptionist to direct all calls to the news centre.

4.provide complete information packets as soon as possible.

When choosing an appropriate style for a speech, which of the following is not a factor to consider?

1.Your audience's size

2.The time available for preparation

3.Overcoming anxiety

4.Your subject and purpose

When closing a speech or presentation, you should do all of the following except

1.restate the main points.

2.describe the next steps.

3.end on a positive note.

4.emphasize structure.

When critiquing a document, you should concentrate on these elements except

1.Is it long enough?

2.Is the factual material correct?

3.Does the document use unambiguous language?

4.Does the document accomplish the intended purpose?

When deciding whether to use the direct or indirect approach, consider the following questions except

1.How serious is the situation?

2.What is the reader's likely reaction to the news?

3.How important is the message?

4.How well do you know the readers?


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