MBA/MBA Business Economics MCQ Set 3 Sample Test,Sample questions

A cost that has already been committed and cannot be recovered known as:

1.Sunk cost

2.Total cost

3.Full cost

4.Variable cost

A positive income elasticity may be

1.Unit income elasticity

2.Income elasticity greater than unity

3.Income elasticity less than unity

4.Any of the above

Basic assumptions of law of demand does not include

1.There is no change in consumers' taste and preference

2.Income should remain constant.

3.Prices of other goods should change.

4.There should be no substitute for the commodity

Cinema Theater, telephone bills etc.. are following

1.Full cost pricing

2.Marginal cost pricing

3.Differential pricing

4.Mark up pricing

Determinants of demand includes

1.Price of a commodity

2.Nature of commodity

3.Income and wealth of consumer

4.All the above.

Exceptional Demand Curve (Perverse demand curve)

1.Moving upward from left to right

2.Moving upward from right to left

3.Moving horizontally

4.Moving vertically

Growth curve approach is used for forecasting demand of ______________ products




4.Both old and existing.

If the commodities are complimentary, cross elasticity will be




4.Any of the above

In a perfect market both buyers and sellers are

1.price maker

2.price giver

3.price taker

4.All the above.

In business cycle concept, the period (approximately) of "Kit chin cycle" is of:

1.5 years

2.10 months

3.2 years

4.4 months

In business cycle concept, the period of "long wave" is of;

1.25 years

2.50 years

3.100 years

4.200 years

In case of ______________ quantity demanded changes less than proportionate to changes in price

1.Perfectly elastic demand

2.Perfectly inelastic demand

3.Relative elastic demand

4.Relative inelastic demand

In the above function, the letter T stands for

1.Target price

2.Total supply

3.Total consumption

4.Taste and preference of consumers

in the case of perfect inelasticity, the demand curve is





In the case of ______________ a small change in price leads to very big change in quantity demanded

1.Perfectly elastic demand

2.Perfectly inelastic demand

3.Relative elastic demand

4.Unit elastic demand

In the oligopoly market there are

1.large no. of firms

2.a few firms

3.a single firm infinite no. of firms

Marginal revenue is ______________ at the quantity that generate maximum total revenue and negative beyond that point.





Price discrimination is also called as

1.Discriminatory pricing

2.Differential pricing

3.Average cost pricing

4.a & b above

Pricing is done on the basis of managerial decisions, not on the basis of cost, demand etc...

1.Managerial pricing

2.Administered pricing

3.Full cost pricing

4.Competitive pricing

Purposes of long term Demand forecasting doesn’t includes;

1.Planning of a new unit or expansion of existing unit.

2.Planning long term financial requirements.

3.Planning of manpower requirements.

4.Deciding suitable price policy

Purposes of long term Demand forecasting includes

1.Making a suitable production policy.

2.To reduce the cost of purchasing raw materials and to control inventory.

3.Deciding suitable price policy

4.Planning of a new unit or expansion of existing unit

So long as Average Revenue is falling, Marginal Revenue will be ______________ Average Revenue

1.Less than

2.More than

3.Equal to

4.None of these

Target pricing is also called as

1.Cost plus pricing

2.Rate of return pricing

3.Mark up pricing

4.None of these

The change in demand due to change in price only, where other factors remaining constant, it is called ________

1.Shift in demand

2.Extension of demand

3.Contraction of demand

4.Both extension and contraction

The claim that, other things equal, the quantity supplied of a goods rises when the price of goods raises known as:

1.Law of economics

2.Law of supply

3.Law of demand

4.All of these

The competitive firm’s long run supply curve is the portion of it’s ______________ curve lies above average total cost.

1.Marginal cost

2.Revenue cost

3.Fixed cost

4.All of these

The concept of Elasticity of Demand was introduced by

1.Alfred Marshall

2.Lionel Robbins

3.Adam smith

4.J M Keynes

The concept of monopsony was invented by:


2.AP. Learner


4.Mrs. J. Robinson

The condition for the long run equilibrium of a perfectly competitive firm





The demand curve of a firm in the case of perfect competition is:

1.Parallel to output axis

2.Increasing with the output axis

3.Decreasing with the output axis


The factors used in the production

1.Land and labor & entrepreneurship

3.both a&b

4.only capital

The law of diminishing returns applies more to




The monopoly can be controlled by:

1.Social boycott

2.Antimonopoly legislation

3.Public ownership

4.All of these

The no. of firms under oligopoly is





The opportunity cost of a given activity is

1.the value of next best activity

2.the value of material used

3.the cost of input used

4.None of these

The pricing of cup of tea or coffee, is an example of

1.Mark up pricing

2.Marginal cost pricing

3.Conventional pricing

4.Cost plus pricing

The properties of indifference curves are:

1.Indifference curve slops downwards from left to right

2.Convex to the point of origin

3.Two indifference curve never cut each other

4.All of these

When the quantity demanded falls due to a rise in price, it is called


2.Upward shift

3.Downward shift


Where Marginal revenue is negative, TR will be _____





Which factors is/are influencing price policy?

1.Cost of product

2.Time factor

3.Government policy

4.All of these

Which is the feature of perfect competition?

1.Large number of buyers and sellers

2.Freedom of entry and exit

3.Normal profit in the long run

4.All of these

Which is/are the salient features of monopolistic competition?

1.Large number of sellers

2.Normal profit

3.Free entry and exit of firms in industry

4.All of these

Which of the following method of pricing is popular in wholesale and retail trades



3.full cost pricing pricing

______ method measures elasticity between two points

1.Proportional or Percentage Method

2.Outlay Method

3.Geometric method

4.Arc Method

_______ in economics means demand backed up by enough money to pay for the goods demanded"





_______ is the method of leadership pricing

1.Going rate pricing

2.Follow up pricing

3.Barometric pricing

4.Parity pricing

_________ is an "objective assessment of the future course of demand"

1.Demand Estimation

2.Demand analysis

3.Demand function

4.Demand forecasting

_________ provide guidelines to carry out ______

1.Pricing strategies, pricing policies

2.Pricing policies, pricing strategies

3.Pricing rules, pricing policies

4.Pricing rules, pricing strategies

__________ means relationship between demand and its various determinants expressed mathematically

1.Demand extension

2.Demand contraction

3.Demand analysis

4.Demand function

__________= R2-R1/Q2-Q1

1.Average revenue

2.Total revenue

3.Marginal revenue

4.Incremental revenue


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