MBA/MBA Business Mathematics Mcq Set 2 Sample Test,Sample questions

( 3 8 9 - 2 ) is a row matrix of order______





3x- 4+7 = 0, then x = ?





A dummy activity is used in the network diagram when _______

1.Two parallel activities have the same tail and head events.

2.The chain of acitivities may have a common event yet he independent by themselves.

3.Both a & b

4.None of the above.

A small circle or rectangle that is known as ______________ serves as a junction point in the project network.





Activity –on-arrow (AOA) diagram is prefeered over Activity – on-node (AON) diagram because ______

1.AOA diagrams are simple to construct.

2.AOA diagrams give a better sense of the flow of time throughout a project.

3.AOA diagrams do not involve dummy activites

4.All the above.

Compound Interest is always ______________ the Simple Interest.

1.Lesser than

2.Equal to

3.Greater than

4.None of the above.

Earliest finish time that an activity can be finished without ______________ of precedence requirements.



3.Both a&b

4.None of the above

If a matrix has 4 rows and 3 columns, then the size will be denoted by





If A,B and C are matrices of the same order then ______


2.(A+B)+C ≠ A+(B+C).

3.(A+B)+C> A+(B+C).

4.(A+B)+C < A+(B+C).

If Aand B are matrices of same order then _____





In a linear programming minimization model the objective function is to be ______



3.minimized or maximized.


In graphical method the LPP has unbounded solution if the solution space has upper boundary. lower boundary. boundary in the first quadrant.

4.None of the above.

In Graphical solution the redundant constraint is ____

1.which forms the boundary of feasible region.

2.which do not optimizes the objective function.

3.which does not form boundary of feasible region.

4.which optimizes the objective function.

In Least cost method the allocation is done by selecting _______

1.upper left corner.

2.upper right corner.

3.middle cell in the transportation table.

4.cell with the lowest cost.

In North West corner rule if the demand in the column is satisfied one must move to the _______

1.left cell in the next column.

2.right cell in the next row.

3.right cell in the next column.

4.left cell in the next row.

In the canonical form of LPP if the objective function is of maximization, then all the constraints other than non-negativity conditions are ______

1.greater than type.

2.lesser than type.

3.greater than or equal to type.

4.lesser than or equal to type.

In the PERT network each activity time assumes a Beta distribution because ______

1.It is a unimodal distribution that provides information regarding the uncertainity of time estimates of activities.

2.It has got finite non-negative error.

3.It need not be symmetrical about model value .

4.All the above.

In the standard form of LPP if the objective functions is of minimization then all the constraints ______



3.greater than or equal to type.

4.lesser than or equal to type.

In time cost trade off function analysis ______

1.Cost decreases linearily as time increases.

2.Cost at normal time is zero.

3.Cost increses linearily as time increases.

4.None of the above.

In transportation problem if total supply > total demand we add _______

1.dummy row with cost 0.

2.dummy column with cost 0.

3.dummy row with cost 1.

4.dummy column with cost 1.

In Transportation problem the improved solution of the initial basic feasible solution is called ______

1.basic solution.

2.optimal solution.

3.degenerate solution.

4.non-degenerate solution.

In Transportation problem the preferred method of obtaining either optimal or very close to the optimal solution is ______

1.north west corner rule.

2.least cost method.

3.vogel's approximation method.

4.simplex method.

Latest finish time that an activity can be finished without ______________ the entire project.



3.Both a & b

4.None of the above

O.R. Stands for _______

1.Operations research

2.Open Report

3.Own Record

4.On Road

Project ______________ phase allocates resources to work packages.




4.Both b & c.

Purpose of MODI method is to get _________

1.degenerate solution.

2.non-degenerate solution.


4.basic feasible solution.

Resource leveling is the process of ______________ the utilization of resources in a project.


2.Smoothing out.



The another term commonly used for activity slack time is _____

1.Total float.

2.Independent float.

3.Free float.

4.All the above.

The application of assignment problems is to obtain _______

1.only minimum cost.

2.only maximum profit.

3.minimum cost or maximum profit.

4.assign the jobs.

The assignment problem is said to be balanced if it is _______

1.square matrix.

2.rectangular matrix.

3.unit matrix.

4.triangular matrix.

The assignment problem is said to be balanced if __________

1.number of rows is greater than number of columns.

2.number of rows is lesser than number of columns.

3.number of rows is equal to number of columns.

4.if the entry of row is zero.

The borrowers are also known as _____



3.Both a & b

4.None of the above.

The compound interest for Rs 20000 for 3 years at 10 & is _______





The CPM is used for completing the project that involves ______________ of repetitive nature.




4.Dummy activity.

The graphical method is applicable to solve an L.P.P when there is _____

1.Only one variable.

2.Two variables.

3.More than two variables

4.None of the above.

The non-negative variable which is added to LHS of the constraint to convert the inequality ≤ into equation is called ________

1.random variable.

2.decision variable.

3.surplus variable.

4.slack variable.

The Objective function of Transportation problem is to _________

1.maximize the total cost.

2.minimize or maximize the total cost.

3.minimize the total cost. cost should be zero.

The objective of Transportation problem is to allocate ________

1.number of origins to equal number of destinations at minimum cost.

2.number of origins to equal number of destination at maximum cost.

3.only to maximize cost.

4.only to maximize the profit.

The slack for an activity is equal to _____




4.None of the above.

The ______________ is the method available for solving an L.P.P.

1.graphical method.

2.least cost method.

3.MODI method.

4.hungarian method.

Transportation problem is said to be balanced if ______ supply is not equal to total demand. supply is greater than total demand. supply is lesser than total demand. supply is equal to total demand.

Transportation problem is said to be unbalanced if _______ supply is not equal to total demand.

2.Total supply is greater than total demand. supply is lesser than total demand.

4.All the above.

Vogel's approximation method is also known as ______

1.Penalty method

2.North west method.

3.Least cost method

4.None of the above.

When all the elements of a matrix are zeros, the matrix is called _______

1.unit matrix.

2.square matrix.

3.null matrix.

4.Row matrix.

When the number of rows is not equal to the number of columns then the matrix is said to be _______

1.unit matrix.

2.Rectangular matrix.

3.null matrix.

4.Row matrix.

When the payments are to be made at the end of each interval the annuity is called ______

1.immediate annuity.

2.annuity due.

3.both( a) and( b).

4.present annuity.

Which of the following is not true about feasibility?

1.It cannot be determined in a graphical solution of an LPP.

2.It is independent of the objective function.

3.It implies that there must be a convex region satisfying all the constraints.

4.Extreme points of the convex region give the optimum solution.

While drawing the network diagram for each activity project we should look _____

1.What acitivities preceede this acitivity.

2.What acitivities follow this acitivity.

3.What activity can concurrently take place with this activity.

4.All the above.

______ is the point in time that marks the beginning or ending of an activity.




4.Dummy activity.

________ phase identify manpower that will be responsible for each task.




4.All the above.


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