MBA/MBA Production and Operations Management Mcq Set 5 Sample Test,Sample questions

 Process layout is used for:

1.Repetitive processing.

2.Intermittent processing.

3.Both (a) and (b).

4.Neither (a) nor (b).

A fixed interval system

1.adds the same predetermined amount to inventory each time replenishment occurs. suitable for joint replenishment items. triggered at the reorder level.

4.requires perpetual monitoring of inventory records.

A product performing consistently refers to which of the following dimensions of quality:





A value chain analysis provides an analytical framework for an organisation to examine individual activities and determine value added at each stage. The principles can also be applied to an organisation's external value stream analysis which considers how the whole production and delivery process can be made more efficient. The activities can be categorized into those:

1.All of the below

2.Those required for product development or production systems

3.Those that do not add value

4.That create value as perceived by the customer

According to the Chase and Dasu (2001) study which of the following are behavioral concepts that should be applied to enhance customer perceptions of a service encounter?

1.Flow of the service experience.

2.Flow of time.

3.Judging encounter performance.

4.all of the above.

An appropriate strategy to optimize for time and cost in the ordering process is:

1.Efficient store assortments.

2.Integrate this activity into all supply chain planning.

3.Revision of organization processes supported by information systems.

4.Efficient replacement.

An appropriate strategy to optimize the productivity of retail space and inventory is:

1.Integrate this activity into all supply chain planning.

2.Efficient store assortments.

3.Revision of organization processes supported by information systems.

4.Efficient replacement.

Based on the Service-System Design Matrix, which of the following has a lower level of "production efficiency"?

1.Face-to-face loose specs.

2.Phone contact.

3.Internet and on-site technology.

4.Face-to-face tight specs.

Budgeting, analysis of investment proposals, and provision of funds are activities associated with the ________ function.



Construction of fertilizer plant is




4.Flow shop.

Dealing with the fact that certain aspects of any management situation are more important than others is called:

1.analysis of tradeoffs.

2.sensitivity analysis.

3.recognition of priorities.

4.analysis of variance.

Improvements in the value chain can be implemented by following Kjellsdotter and Jonsson's iterative planning cycle. Which of the following does not form part of the cycle?

1.Creating a preliminary delivery plan

2.Creating a preliminary production plan

3.Creating a consensus forecast

4.Creating a quality control plan

Job shop and batch processing are differentiated on the basis of:

1.Job requirements.

2.Degree of standardization.

3.Volume of output.

4.Both (b) and (c).

Location decisions are viewed primarily as part of:

1.Marketing strategy.

2.Growth factors.

3.Financial aspect.

4.Both (a) and (b).

Logistics is an integral part of supply chain management. Which explanation best represents outbound logistics?

1.A supply chain that emphasises distribution of a product to passive customers

2.The management of resources supplied from an organisation to its customers and intermediaries

3.An emphasis on using the supply chain to deliver value to customers who are actively involved in product and service specification

4.The management of material resources entering an organisation from its suppliers and other partners

Manufacturing work sent to other countries is called:




4.vertical integration.

Modern firms increasingly rely on other firms to supply goods and services instead of doing these tasks themselves. This increased level of _____ is leading to increased emphasis on ______ management.

1.outsourcing; supply chain. shoring; lean.

3.downsizing; total quality.

4.optimizing; inventory.

Moving from the aggregate plan to a master production schedule requires

1.rough cut capacity planning.



4.strategy formulation.

Process selection is primarily considered during:





Product design and process selection are examples of ______ decisions.



3.system design.

4.system operation.

Product layout is preferably used for:

1.Repetitive processing.

2.Intermittent processing.

3.Both (a) and (b).

4.Neither (a) nor (b).

Supply chain SC management involves the coordination of all supply activities of an organisation from its suppliers to the delivery of products to its customers. There are various features associated with this area of e-commerce and which refers to what is known as efficient consumer response (ECR):

1.Transactions between an organisation and its customers and intermediaries

2.The links between an organisation and all partners involved

3.Creating and satisfying customer demand by optimizing strategies, promotions and product introductions

4.None of the above

Technology choices seldom affect:



3.Union activity.


The correct sequence of an organizations supply chain from a systems perspective is:

1.Transformation process, delivery to customers, acquisition of resources.

2.Acquisition of resources, transformation process, delivery to customers.

3.Delivery to customers, acquisition of resources, transformation process.

4.Transformation process, acquisition of resources, delivery to customers.

The downstream supply chain is:

1.Exclusively inside an organization.

2.Involved with procurement of material from suppliers.

3.The distribution of products or delivery of services to customers.

4.Both the first and third answer above.

The goal of motion study is to achieve:

1.Cost minimization.

2.Maximum efficiency.


4.All of the given options.

The responsibilities of the operations manager are:

1.planning, organizing, staffing, procuring, and reviewing.

2.planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling.

3.forecasting, designing, planning, organizing, and controlling.

4.forecasting, designing, operating, procuring, and reviewing.

The type of operation being carried out by an organization depends upon:

1.Degree of standardization.

2.Volume of output.


4.Both (a) and (b).

The typical aim of the push approach to supply chain management is:

1.To reduce costs of distribution.

2.To enhance product and service quality.

3.To reduce costs of new product development.

4.Both the first and third answer above.

The typical benefits of e-supply chain management gained by a B2B company are quite comprehensive. Which of the following is false though?

1.Increased efficiency of individual processes

2.Increased costs through outsourcing

3.Improved data integration between elements of the supply chain

4.Reduced complexity of the supply chain.

The upstream supply chain is:

1.Exclusively inside an organization.

2.Involved with procurement of material from suppliers.

3.The distribution of products or delivery of services to customers.

4.Both the first and third answer above.

Transportation method is a ________ approach.




4.All of the given options.

Two widely used metrics of variation are the ______ and the_______

1.mean; standard deviation.

2.productivity ratio; correlation.

3.standardized mean; assignable deviation.

4.randomized mean; standardized deviation.

Warranty cost is an example of which of the following?

1.Internal failure cost.

2.External failure cost.

3.Prevention cost.

4.Appraisal cost.

What are the two sources of costs in queuing analysis?

1.Arrivals and departures.

2.Arrivals and idleness.

3.Waiting customers and capacity.

4.Equipment breakdowns and departures.

What type of process would a Cement plant be most likely to use?

1.Continuous flow.

2.Project c.

3.Job shop.

4.Flow shop.

Which came last in the development of manufacturing techniques?

1.Lean production.

2.Division of labor.

3.Interchangeable parts.

4.Mass production.

Which of the following "best practices emphasized by service executives" had the highest mean emphasize rating?



3.Quality values.

4.Customer orientation.

Which of the following is a recent trend in business?

1.pollution control. quality management. chain management.

4.competition from foreign manufacturers.

Which of the following is essential to consider with respect to managing a process to meet demand?


2.demand forecasts.


4.all of the above.

Which of the following is not a benefit of using models in decision-making?

1.They provide a standardized format for analyzing a problem.

2.They serve as a consistent tool for evaluation.

3.They are easy to use and less expensive than dealing with the actual situation.

4.All of the above are benefits.

Which of the following is not a type of operations?

1.goods production.


4.all the above involve operations.

Which of the following is not true about a lean production system?

1.It puts emphasis on quality, flexibility, and time reduction

2.It puts emphasis on reducing a company's labor force.

3.It is involved in maintaining and improving the system with lower amounts of inventory.

4.It relies on buffers against unforeseen occurrences.

Which of the following is not true about systems approach?

1.A systems viewpoint is usually beneficial in decision making.

2.A systems approach emphasizes interrelationships among subsystems.

3.A systems approach concentrates on efficiency within subsystems.

4.A systems approach is essential whenever something is being redesigned or improved.

Which of the following is the focus of statistical process control?

1.Determining the efficiency of an operations system.

2.Measuring the amount of re-work required to rectify faulty goods.

3.Identifying the security needs of an operations system.

4.Measuring and controlling process variations.

Which of the following terms reflects Japanese view of continuous improvement?



3.Six sigma.

4.Control limits.

Which of the following would not be an operations activity in a fast-food restaurant?

1.Advertising new salad dishes.

2.Purchasing tomatoes.

3.Planning the layout of the serving areas.

4.Cooking panir palak and dal makhani.

Which one does not use operations management?

1.A CPA firm.

2.A bank.

3.A hospital.

4.They all use it.

Which one of the following would not generally be classified under the heading of transformation?





Which one of these was not mentioned in the list of recent trends in operations management?

1.Total quality management.

2.Worker involvement.

3.Global competition.



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