MBA/MBA Total Quality Management Mcq Set 1 Sample Test,Sample questions

"Poka-yoke" is the Japanese term for ________


2.Fool proof

3.Continuous improvement

4.fishbone diagram

A fishbone diagram is also known as a .______

1.cause-and-effect diagram

2.poka-yoke diagram

3.Kaizen diagram

4.Taguchi diagram

A maturity model can be used as a benchmark for comparison and as an aid to understanding




4.can't say

A ____ diagram shows the location of defects in any unit. This diagram is used in the analyse step of DMAIC.



3.Defect Concentration


According to Deming most of the problems are related to systems and it is the responsibility of the management to improve the systems


2.correct to some extent

3.correct to great extent


After E.deming, who is considered to have the greatest impact in quality management?

1.Kauro Ishikawa

2.Joseph M. Juran

3.W.E. Deming

4.Genichi Tagucchi

All of the following costs are likely to decrease as a result of better quality except ________

1.customer dissatisfaction costs

2.inspection costs

3.maintenance costs

4.warranty and service costs

Assured quality is necessary for building customer confidence.


2.correct to some extent

3.correct to great extent


At the time of making a purchase agreement with a vendor, what is important to mention about inspection?

1.the characteristics of the product that are to be inspected

2.the tolerances that would be allowed

3.the reputation of the vendor

4.a & b both (not sure)

–––– are the charts that identify potential causes for particular quality problems.

1.Control Chart

2.Flow chart

3.Cause and Effect Diagram

4.Pareto chart

Based on his 14 Points, Deming is a strong proponent of ______

1.inspection at the end of the production process increase in numerical quotas to boost productivity

3.looking for the cheapest supplier and knowledge

Check Sheet is used during ________ stage of DMAIC.





Costs of dissatisfaction, repair costs, and warranty costs are elements of cost in the ____

1.Taguchi Loss Function

2.Pareto Chart

3.ISO 9000 Quality Cost Calculator

4.Process Chart

Customers are primarily concerned with ______

1.Communication, courtesy, and credibility of the sales person

2.Competence, courtesy, and security of the sales person

3.Competence, responsiveness, and reliability of the sales person

4.Communication, responsiveness, and cleverness of the sales person

Deming's 4 step cycle for improvement is_______

1.plan, do, check, act

2.schedule, do, act, check, act, check, monitor

4.plan, control, act, sustain

elements of quality management system are ________

1.organizational structure



4.all the three (not sure)

establishing measurements based on customer needs for optimizing product design is known as _____

1.Quality planning

2.quality improvement

3.quality control

4.Quality planning (Actual answer is Quality planning roadmap)

fourteen points framework for quality and productivity improvement was suggested by ______





Identify the cost not likely to reduce as a result of better quality.

1.Maintenance costs

2.Inspection costs

3.Scrap costs

4.Warranty and service costs

In Six Sigma, a _________ is defined as any process output that does not meet customer specifications





inspection is part of the ____

1.quality control (not sure)

2.Quality Planning

3.Quality improvement

4.quality circles

Inspection, scrap, and repair are examples of _______

1.internal costs

2.external costs

3.costs of dissatisfaction

4.Societal costs

Juran's Quality trilogy emphasizes the roles of quality planning, quality control and _________

1.Quality Definition

2.Quality enhancement

3.Quality improvement

4.quality maintenance

Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning ________

1.continuous improvement

2.Just-in-time (JIT)

3.a fishbone diagram

4.setting standards

Kaizen is a _____ process, the purpose of which goes beyond simple productivity improvement.




4.Annual dollar volume.

Let there be a data set {200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208}. This data set can be represented using stem and leaf where the ______ is 20 and the _______ is {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}.

1.Stem, Leaf

2.Leaf, Stem

3.Tree, Stem

4.Tree, Leaf

Plan-do-study-act cycle is a procedure to _____

1.Overall improvement

2.Continuous improvement

3.Permanent improvement

4.Immediate improvement

Presence of _____ after every stage of DMAIC allows for review of project and incorporation of suggestions.

1.Review gate

2.Toll gate

3.Decision gate

4.None of the above

Processes that operate with "six sigma quality" over the short term are assumed to produce long-term defect levels below ______ defects per million opportunities (DPMO).





production issues should be addressed early

1.correct (not sure)

2.correct to some extent

3.correct to great extent


QFD stands for _____

1.Quantity for deployment

2.Quality for deployment

3.Quality function deployment

4.Quality for decision

Quality Circles members are ______

1.Paid according to their contribution to quality

2.External consultants designed to provide training in the use of Quality tools

3.Always machine operators

4.None of the three.

Quality circles work best if employees are initially trained in _______

1.Group dynamics

2.Motivation principles


4.All of the three. (Not sure)

Quality fulfills a need or expectation that is:

1.Explicitly stated


3.Legally required

4.All of the above

Quality management includes forming and directing a team of people to achieve a qualitative goal within an effective cost and time frame that results in _____

1.a project completed in shortest possible time.

2.a product or service that conforms to the required specifications. award-winning product that brings public recognition to the project innovative project that establishes qualification of the project team

Quality practices must be carried out _____ the start of the project

2.throuout the life of the project the end of the project need to carry out quality practices

Quality Trilogy includes

1.Quality planning

2.quality improvement

3.quality control

4.all the three.

reliability is the degree to which a unit of equipment performs its intended function under _____ for _______ of time.

1.specified conditions; specified period

2.any condition; specified period

3.specified conditions; all periods

4.any condition; any period

The defect concentration diagram can be used in the ______ stage of the DMAIC.





The taste of burgers across all McDonald outlets should be same. This is an example of _____

1.Sensory critical to quality Characteristic

2.Physical critical to Quality Characteristic

3.Time Orientation critical to Quality Characteristic

4.None of the above

The taste of the burger can be categorized as good or bad This is an example of which type of data:



3.Cannot be determined

4.None of the above

The Toyota Production System is based on two pillars namely ________ and _______

1.Kaizen, Six Sigma

2.Lean, Six Sigma

3.Just in Time, Jidoka

4.Just in Time, Kaizen

The ______ is used to identify what might go wrong in a plan under development.

1.Pareto Chart


3.Arrow Diagram

4.Matrix Diagram

TQM stands for _____

1.Total Quality Management

2.Total Quantity Management

3.Total Qualitative Management

4.To question management

Which of the following is not a target of Total Quality Management:

1.Customer Satisfaction

2.Reducing manpower

3.Continuous Cost Reduction

4.Continuous Operational Improvement

_____ are the areas that will be covered by the organization's processes

1.process areas

2.product Areas

3.private areas

4.preset areas

______ is not a process tools for TQM systems

1.process flow analysis



4.control charts

_______ is about supplying customers with what they want when they want it.





_______ is the set of activities that ensures the quality levels of products and services are properly maintained and that supplier and customer quality issues are properly resolved.

1.Quality Assurance

2.Quality Planning

3.Quality Control

4.quality management

__________ are used in six sigma belt belt

3.both black belt and green belt

4.None of the above


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