MBA/MBA Total Quality Management Mcq Set 4 Sample Test,Sample questions

A 2 X 2 factorial essentially two designs that have been combined into a single study.

2.contains four factors.

3.does not have enough factors to show interactions. extremely difficult to interpret if interactions are found.

A factorial design is one in ______

1.Only one independent variable is studied to determine its effect on the dependent variable

2.Only two independent variables are simultaneously studied to determine their independent and interactive effects on the dependent variables

3.Two or more independent variables are simultaneously studied to determine their independent and interactive effects on the dependent variable

4.Two dependent variables are studied to determine their interactive effects

A researcher conducted a 2 x 2 completely repeated measures factorial design and planned 15 participants in each condition. How many participants would be required to conduct this experiment?





A researcher is conducting a 3 x 2 factorial experiment. In variable 1 participants are randomly assigned to one of 3 conditions. In variable 2 participants respond to both levels of the independent variable. Which of the following best describes this study? is an independent groups design is a repeated measures group design is a mixed factorial design is a simple main effect design

A result is called "statistically significant" whenever

1.The null hypothesis is true.

2.The alternative hypothesis is true.

3.The p-value is less or equal to the significance level.

4.The p-value is larger than the significance level.

A serious problem can occur in multiple regression analysis if an important variable is omitted from the list of independent variables. This can lead to

1.unbiased least squares estimators.

2.biased least squares estimators.

3.a biased estimator of the variance.

4.All of these

A simple experimental design with two levels of an independent variable cannot

1.detect a curvilinear relationship between variables.

2.detect a monotonic relationship.

3.reveal a positive relationship. a negative relationship outcome.

A ______ effect(s) analysis examines mean differences at each level of the independent variable.


2.simple main


4.simple interaction

An unbiased dice is rolled once. The probability of getting a number greater than 4 is:





As variability due to chance decreases, the value of F will


2.stay the same


4.can't tell from the given information

Assume the cholesterol levels in a certain population have mean μ = 200 and standard deviation σ = 24. The cholesterol levels for a random sample of n = 9 individuals are measured and the sample mean x-bar is determined. What is the z-score for a sample mean x = 180?





Attribute charts may be used when:

1.Several characteristics can be jointly measured

2.When one particular quality characteristic is of importance

3.Specific information like process mean is required

4.None of these

Dr. AB is conducting a 2 x 3 factorial experiment. He is interested in the impact of college major and study method on exam performance. He found that study method effected exam performance regardless of the participants' major. Which of the following is true?

1.Dr. AB found a main effect for study method.

2.Dr. AB found a main effect for college major.

3.Dr. AB found a significant interaction between college major and study method.

4.There is not enough information provided to answer this question.

During experimental design, a variable is defined as:




4.None of these

Factorial designs allow us to study both _________ effects of the independent variables on the dependent variables.

1.main and interactive

2.dependent and independent

3.symbiotic and dichotomous

4.rank order and correlation

For question 09 - 15, consider the model with the two factors, each at two levels:





How many dependent variables does a two-way ANOVA have?





If a researcher planned to have 20 participants in each condition of a 2 x 3 independent groups factorial design, how many participants would be needed for this experiment?





If we add together the sums of squares for the simple main effects of one factor at all the different levels of another factor, we shall obtain:

1.The interaction sum of squares for the complete experiment

2.The main effect sum of squares for the second factor, plus the sum of squares for its interaction with the first factor

3.The main effect sum of squares for the first factor

4.The main effect sum of squares for the first factor, plus the sum of squares for its interaction with the second factor

In a 3 x 3 factorial design, how many conditions are there in the experiment?





In a factorial design, a main effect is the _______

1.the combined effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable

2.interaction effect of the independent variables and their effect on the dependent

3.the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable

4.interaction of the independent variables

In a factorial design, a main effect is the _________

1.the combined effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable

2.interaction effect of the independent variables and their effect on the dependent variable

3.the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable

4.interaction of the independent variables

In factorial designs, the number of times a condition is noted is called:




4.None of these

In hypothesis testing, a Type 2 error occurs when

1.The null hypothesis is not rejected when the null hypothesis is true.

2.The null hypothesis is rejected when the null hypothesis is true.

3.The null hypothesis is not rejected when the alternative hypothesis is true.

4.The null hypothesis is rejected when the alternative hypothesis is true.

In one-way ANOVA, which of the following is used within the F-ratio as a measurement of the variance of individual observations?

1.The Sum of Square of Treatments (SSTR)

2.The Treatment Mean Square (MSTR)

3.The Residual Sum of Squares (SSE)

4.The Mean Sum of Squares (MSE)

In the two-factor, between subjects (or two-way) ANOVA:

1.the three F tests always have the same power to reject the null hypothesis.

2.the test for an interaction always has more power than the test for a main effect.

3.the power of the F test is not necessarily increased by having larger samples.

4.the three F tests do not always have the same power to reject the null hypothesis.

Student's t-statistic is applicable in case of:

1.Equal number of samples

2.Unequal number of samples

3.Small samples

4.All of the above

Student's t-test is applicable only when:

1.n ≤ 30 and σ is known

2.n > 30 and σ is unknown

3.n = 30 and σ is known

4.All of these

The error deviations within the residual sum of squares (SSE) statistic measure distances:

1.within groups

2.between groups

3.between each value and the grand mean

4.None of these

The treatment mean square (MSTR), Mean Square Error (MSE). If the true means of the k populations are equal, then MSTR/MSE should be:

1.more than 1.00

2.a positive number close to 1.00

3.a positive number close to 0.00

4.a negative value between 0.00 and - 1.00

The ______ sum of squares measures the variability of the observed values around their respective treatment means.




Two events, A and B, are said to be mutually exclusive if:

1.P(A | B) = 1

2.P(B | A) = 1

3.P(A ∩ B) = 1

4.P(A ∩ B) = 0

Two factors are said to be orthogonal when:

1.they are correlated, that is, they cannot vary independently

2.there are equal numbers of participants in all groups

3.they are uncorrelated, that is, they vary independently

4.there is a single control group, with which all the other groups can be compared

Two factors are said to interact when

1.the simple main effects of one factor are not homogeneous across all levels of the other.

2.the simple main effects of one factor are homogeneous across the levels of the other.

3.there are neither main effects nor simple main effects.

4.there are no main effects.

What are residuals?

1.Residuals are the differences between the observed and expected dependent variable scores

2.Serendipitous findings

3.Extreme scores

4.Uncontrolled variables

What are the factors in a factorial design?

1.the independent variables

2.the dependent variables

3.the organismic variables

4.the experimental variables

What does the Adjusted R squared value tells us?

1.The Adjusted R squared value tells us if there is a positive relationship

2.The Adjusted R squared value tells us if there is a significant difference

3.The Adjusted R squared value tells us if there is a significant relationship

4.The Adjusted R squared value tells us how much of the variance in the dependent variable can be accounted for by the independent variable

What is the degree of freedom of B?





What is the Interaction between memory and cache (MIPS)?





What is the purpose of a simple linear regression?

1.To predict scores on a dependent variable from scores on a single independent variable

2.To predict scores on an independent variable from scores on a single dependent variable

3.To predict scores on an independent variable from scores on multiple dependent variables

4.To predict scores on a dependent variable from scores on multiple independent variables

What is the Sum of Squares of Number of Fertilizers (B)?





What is the value at the position of (III)?





What must you include when reporting an ANOVA?

1.Standard deviations, Degrees of freedom, Means, F statistic, P value

2.Standard deviations, Means, F statistic, P value

3.Standard deviations, Degrees of freedom, Means, F statistic

4.Degrees of freedom, F statistic, P value

When conducting a one-way ANOVA, the ______ the between-treatment variability is when compared to the within-treatment variability, the _______ the F-Value calculated from the data will tend to be.

1.smaller, larger

2.smaller, smaller

3.larger, larger

4.smaller, larger

When conducting an ANOVA, the F-Value calculated from the data will always fall within what'range?

1.between negative infinity and infinity

2.between 0 and 1

3.between 0 and infinity

4.between 1 and infinity

Which of the following assumptions must be met to use an ANOVA?

1.There is only one dependent variable

2.The data must be normally distributed

3.There is homogeneity of variance

4.All of these

Which of the following is an assumption of one-way ANOVA comparing samples from three'or more experimental treatments?

1.All the response variables within the k populations follow Normal distributions.

2.The samples associated with each population are randomly selected and are independent from all other samples.

3.The response variable within each of the k populations has equal variances.

4.all of the above.

You carried out an ANOVA on a preliminary sample of data. You then collected additional data from the same groups; the difference being that the sample sizes for each group were increased by a factor of 10, and the within-group variability has decreased substantially. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

1.The degrees of freedom associated with the error term has increased

2.The degrees of freedom associated with the treatment term has increased

3.The Residual Sum of Squares (SSE) has decreased

4.The F-Value calculated from the data (F-Value) has changed

You have carried out a Kruskal-Wallis test. There are significant differences between the three groups you are testing. How might you conduct your pairwise comparisons?

1.Use the Mann Whitney test

2.Use the Wilcoxon test

3.Use a t-test

4.None of the above. Post hoc analyses cannot be carried out with non parametric data

You obtained a significant test statistic when comparing three treatments in a one-way ANOVA. In words, how would you interpret the alternative hypothesis H(a)?

1.All three treatments have different effects on the mean response.

2.Exactly two of the three treatments have the same effect on the mean response.

3.At least two treatments are different from each other in terms of their effect on the mean



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