MBA/MBA Total Quality Management Mcq Set 7 Sample Test,Sample questions

 One of the advantages of team work is:

1.It breaks down barriers between internal

2.customers and suppliers

3.It results in promotion

4.It results in salary increment

80% of the problems are found in 20% of the work is a concept of:

1.Edward Deming

2.Philip Crosby



A histogram ordered by frequency of occurrence that shows how many results were generated by each identified cause is:

1.Statistical Histogram

2.Juran Histogram

3.Fishbone Diagram

4.Pareto Diagram

A quality program within a project should be based on ______ of errors to improve productivity along with quality levels.

1.early detection

2.early correction

3.late detection


A series of consecutive points on the same side of the average is called:





All of the following are the elements of a TQM system EXCEPT:





All of the following statements about acceptance sampling plans are true except:

1.Acceptance sampling plans are beneficial when the cost of inspections is high and the resulting loss of passing non-conforming units is not great

2.Acceptance sampling plans are necessary when destructive inspections are required

3.Acceptance sampling plans are never as effective at rejecting non-conforming units as 100 percent inspection, even when the inspection process is very tedious

4.Acceptance sampling plans are not very effective for inspecting small lots of custommade products

All of the following statements about control charts are true except:

1.Control charts can be used to establish as well as maintain process control

2.Control charts are used to determine acceptance limits when no limits are stipulated by the product specification; otherwise, one should use the limits dictated by the specification

3.All data points outside the control chart limits are variations explained by

4.b and c

As one of its goal the project organization has quality to specified performance measures. When compared with the functional organization, the project organization _________

1.achieves higher levels of quality always tailored to meet the specific quality goals less disciplined in the implementation of quality more disciplined in the implementation of quality

Crosby’s approach to management is

1.A problem that can never be solved

2.Absolutes of Quality Management

3.Interim Management


Crosby’s approach to management is:

1.A problem that can never be solved

2.Absolutes of Quality Management

3.Interim Management


Customers are the driving force in any project and determine the requirements to be met. In dealing with customers' complaints, it is important to ______

1.avoid commitment to correction on an "out of warranty" item to them until they see the reason the complaints are trivial

3.give them something more than they contracted to receive to suppress any feelings of dissatisfaction

4.provide them with the full scope of the contracted product or service


1.F. W. Taylor

2.Joseph M. Juran

3.Philip Crosby

4.Walter Shewhart

From a high level perspective, quality: ensured by having inspectors

2.cannot be quantitatively measured

3.and productivity are inconsistent objectives primarily (85 - 95%) a management problem

From the project manager's viewpoint, quality assurance involves:

1.conducting studies to determine if design methods will support quality requirements

2.identifying applicable laws, ordinances and regulations that the project must comply with

3.monitoring inspection activities to ensure that the work is performed as specified

4.a and c

In a quality management information system, there is a need to collect data and format such data into an information output that is useful to the project manager. In developing such an information system, it is good to remember that an optimum system does not supply all the information because _______

1.there is never enough information collected

2.the system is incapable of processing all the required information

3.some information costs more to collect than it is worth

4.most information relies on related data to generate the proper output

In computing the cost of producing a quality product, the major areas of costs contribute to the sale price of the product. The ratio of the ______ costs determine whether an effective program is fully implemented., indirect, and overhead, recurring, and variable

3.variable, fixed, and semi-fixed

4.prevention, appraisal, and failure

In order to achieve long-term quality improvements, management must do the following:

1.Motivate the employees with seminars, contests, and institution of programs such as "Quality Improvement" day

2.Create a quality control department and give the head of the department ultimate responsibility for quality improvement

3.Implement a formal quality control program with worker and management involvement

4.Establish financial incentive packages for workers

Learn how to tell when nothing can be gained from further discussion. This refers to which of the following discussion skills in meetings?

1.Acting as gatekeepers

2.Closing the discussion

3.Asking for clarification

4.Testing for consensus

Of the following statements, which one(s) is / are true?

1.Quality is the usual result when skilled designers and skilled implementors work on the project

2.Quality is 10% skill and 90% luck

3.Quality can be achieved with the proper combination of personnel, materials, methods, and time to do the work

4.A and C

Process control is distinct and separate from the data gathering function in a quality program. While process control regulates the functions, data gathering is used to ________

1.collect information on the relative performance standards of the process so the output can be enhanced through continuous adjustments to the input functions

2.validate the controlling function as performing correctly and provide information on equipment servicing intervals

3.generate the control charts to determine the variances in the product and the number on nonconforming products

4.ensure the products are within tolerances and to identify those products that require reworking or crapping

Quality control includes inspections to ensure the standards of performance are being met. Inspection includes _____ examinations of ________

1.visual and non-visual; processes and components

2.visual and aural; processes and materials

3.visual and technical; material and end products

4.aural and tactile; materials and end products

Quality control is the technical processes that _______ the project's progress against the performance standards.

1.inspect, certify, and verify

2.examine, analyze, and report

3.inspect, examine, and determine

4.identify, measure, and report

Quality is:

1.Zero defects found

2.Conformance to requirements

3.The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs

4.b and c

Quality management deals with all of the following topics except:

1.Conformance to requirements / specifications

2.Satisfying the needs of the customer

3.Making products more desirable and luxurious

4.a and c

Recognition of personnel achievements is an important building block to the attainment of a superior quality program. The form of recognition should be ____ annual bonus increase paid at the end of the year immediate cash award that is commensurate with the deed

3.a non-monetary award presented in a public forum as soon as the deed is identified

4.a non-monetary award presented in private

Statistical sampling methods are valid for most projects, regardless of the lack of repetitive processes, because _____

1.projects rely on external vendors for products that must meet contractual specifications to conform to the requirements

2.purchased materials will never meet the requirements of the project are amenable to statistical sampling even for small lots looks good to the customer when there is a mathematical approach to quality

The ability of a product to be used for different purposes at different capacities and under different conditions determines its:





The ISO 9000 series is:

1.a set of instructions for preparing control charts

2.a set of guidelines for quality

3.a set of forms and procedures to ensure quality international standard that describes a recommended quality system

The Japanese Quality Control (QC) Circle movement motivated its participants in many ways. Which of the following represents the most important motivation for the QC circle participant:

1.Improving the performance of the company


3.Financial Incentives

4.Recognition among co-workers

the job characteristic of quality professionals is:

1.Educating others

2.Achieving personal targets

3.Consultative work with other departments

4.None of the above

The majority of advertisers appeal the public on thebasis of which of the following?

1.Quality of product

2.Quality of staff

3.Inferiority of product

4.Inferiority of service

The majority of product defects could be prevented in most processes if manufacturers would do the following:

1.Increase the use of acceptance control charts instead of standard three-sigma control charts

2.Make a concerted effort to eliminate the potential for product defects in the design stage

3.Create a quality control department

4.A and B

The practice of ceasing mass inspections and ending awards based on price is credited to:

1.Edward Deming

2.Philip Crosby



The primary driver(s) behind the demand for continual qualify improvement is / are: increase in the number of projects being worked

2.the government cost improvement reports that have created widespread public interest in quality

3.the prevalence of media reports on quality circles and other quality improvement techniques

4.B and c

The process of determining that technical processes and procedures are being performed in conformance with scope requirements and quality plans is called quality:


3.process review


The project management team's for quality should:

1.extend beyond the completion of the project

2.stop at the point of delivery significantly reduced by a good warranty ignored by the project manager

The quality management tool that can be described as "a diagram that rank and displays defects in order of frequency of occurrence (from left to right)" is a:

1.control chart

2.vertical bar chart


4.Pareto chart

The _____ of a product or service mostly affects its reliability and maintenance characteristics.




Tools and techniques used during the Quality Planning process include:

1.Benefit / cost analysis


3.Quality audits

4.A and B

Trend charts reflect the relative status of a program. Trend charts are effective means of _________

1.visibility reinforcing the growth of quality improvements to the workers

2.reflecting the precise status of quality failures

3.identifying to customers the failure rates of products

4.setting standards and goals for acceptable levels of quality

What was the primary concern of managers during 1980s?


2.Strategic impact



When data is plotted on the control charts, the data is of two types: R and -bar. The R data represent points of a ______________ while the X-bar data represent points of a(n) ________

1.random sample; cross-matrix sample

2.real sample; simulated sample

3.100 percent sampling; 10 percent sampling

4.sampling run; average of several runs

Which are the best two charts to show trends in a process?

1.Pareto and Control

2.Pareto and Control

3.Histogram and Run

4.Gantt and Pert

Which of the following is not part of the Total Quality Approach?

1.holistic thinking

2.focus on short-term financial performance

3.focus on desirability thinking

Which of the following is typically viewed to lie between fully vertically integrated firms?

1.Supply chain management

2.Production chain management

3.Value chain management

4.Demand chain management

Which of the following statements best characterizes the quality management practice called benchmarking?

1.The ISO term for progress measurement

2.Comparing planned project practices to those of other projects

3.A technique used to test certain types of electronic equipment

4.A technique used to test certain types of electronic equipment

You are sampling items from a batch and plotting the results on a control chart. how will an increase in the number of items sample affect the value of the standard deviation used to set the control limit?

1.increase it

2.decrease it effect on it

4.first increase it, then decrease it

Zero Defects is an element of the quality management philosophy that is a ______________ for all workers to be achieved ______

1.slogan; whenever possible

2.slogan; most of the time

3.standard; at all times

4.standard; whenever possible

____ is a graphic tool for defining the relationship between customer desires and the firm/product capabilities.

1.House of Quality

2.Affinity diagram

3.Arrow diagram

4.None of the give option


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