Reasoning/Reasoning Mcq Set 3 Sample Test,Sample questions

  In the question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II.

Give answer

(A) If only I follows
(B) If only II follows
(C) If either I or II follows
(D) If neither I nor II follows
(E) If both I and II follow.

Statement - I. All eyes are ears.
II. All ears are noses.

Conclusion - I. No eyes are ears.
II. Some noses are eyes.

1.Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3.Either I or II follows

4.Neither I nor II follows

  In the question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II.

Give answer

(A) If only I follows
(B) If only II follows
(C) If either I or II follows
(D) If neither I nor II follows
(E) If both I and II follow.

Statement I. Every photograph is a portrait.
II. Every portrait is an artwork.

Conclusion I. Every photograph is an artwork.
II. Some artworks are portraits.

1.Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3.Either I or II follows

4.Both I and II follow

  In the question given below consists of five or six statements followed by options consisting of three statements put together in a specific order. Choose the option which indicates a valid argument containing logically related statements that is, where the third statement is conclusion drawn from preceding two statements.

Statement - A. No apple is a door.
B. All poles are doors.
C. No pole is an apple.
D. Some poles are not apples.
E. Some apples are poles.
F. Some doors are not apples.





  Read the following information carefully and answer the question below.

There are six children playing football, namely, Z, Y, X, W, V and U.

1. Z and V are brothers.
2. U is the sister of V.
3. X is the only son of Z’s uncle.
4. Y and W are daughters of the brother of X’s father.

Which pair among the following is a pair of siblings?

1.X, Z

2.Z, V

3. X, W

4.U, X

 In given below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement - A. Many writers are not readers. All plumbers are writers. Some plumbers are not readers.

B. Boys play cricket. Some girls do not play cricket. Some girls are not boys.

C. All Humans live in houses. Some penguins live in houses. Some penguins are Humans.

1. A



4.B and C

 In the question below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement - A. All ugly things are happy. She is ugly. She is happy.
B. All nice things are flat. TVs are flat. TVs are nice things.
C. Potatoes are balls. All balls are fruits. Potatoes are fruits.


2. B

3.A and B

4.A and C

 In the question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II.

Give answer

(A) If only I follows
(B) If only II follows
(C) If either I or II follows
(D) If neither I nor II follows
(E) If both I and II follow.

Statement - I. All balls are baskets.
II. All baskets are tubs.

Conclusion - I.  All balls are tubs.
II. All tubs are balls.

1.Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3. Either I or II follows

4. Neither I nor II follows

 In the question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II.

Give answer

(A) If only I follows
(B) If only II follows
(C) If either I or II follows
(D) If neither I nor II follows
(E) If both I and II follow.

Statement - I. Some cables are keyboard.
II. All cables are monitors.

Conclusion - I. Some monitors are keyboard.
II. Some monitors are not keyboard.

1.Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3. Either I or II follows

4. Neither I nor II follows

 In the question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II.

Give answer

(A) If only I follows
(B) If only II follows
(C) If either I or II follows
(D) If neither I nor II follows
(E) If both I and II follow.

Statement - I. Some dolls can speak.
II. Some dolls are bad.
Conclusion - I. Bad toys can speak.
II. All bad can speak.

1.Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3.Either I or II follows

4.Neither I nor II follows

 In the question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II.

Give answer

(A) If only I follows
(B) If only II follows
(C) If either I or II follows
(D) If neither I nor II follows
(E) If both I and II follow.

Statement - I. Some lions are bats.
II. Some bats are cat.

Conclusion - I. All lions are cat.
II. No cat are bats.

1.Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3.Either I or II follows

4.Neither I nor II follows

 In the question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II.

Give answer

(A) If only I follows
(B) If only II follows
(C) If either I or II follows
(D) If neither I nor II follows
(E) If both I and II follow.

Statement - I. Some red are blue.
II. Some blue are green.

Conclusion - I. No green are blue.
II. Some green are blue.

1.Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3. Either I or II follows

4.Neither I nor II follows

 In the question given below consists of five or six statements followed by options consisting of three statements put together in a specific order. Choose the option which indicates a valid argument containing logically related statements that is, where the third statement is conclusion drawn from preceding two statements.

Statement - A. Cars are birds.
B. Some birds are ants.
C. Cars are ants.
D. Some Cars are ants.
E. Some Cars are not ants.
F. No car is ant.


2. ADB

3. BAC


 In the question given below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement - A. All cats are mad. All sick persons are mad. So, all sick persons are cats.
B. All oranges are white. All figs are oranges. So, all figs are white.
C. No man can crawl. No kite can crawl. So, all men are kites.





 Pointing to a boy, a man said to a woman, “His mother is the only daughter of your father.”

How was the boy related to the woman?


2. Uncle



 Pointing to a man, Rohan said, “His only brother is the father of my daughter’s father.” How is the Rohan related to the man?

1. Father




 Pointing to a photograph the man said, “The lady in the photograph is my nephew’s maternal grandmother.”

How is the lady in the photograph related to the man’s sister who has no other sister?





 Pointing towards a girl, a man said to a woman, “Her mother is the only daughter of your mother.”

How is the girl related to that woman?



3.. Aunt


 Pointing towards a girl, Amit said, “She is the daughter of only son of my grandfather”. How is the Amit related to the girl?

1. Brother



4. Father

 Read the following information carefully and answer the question below.

1. M $ N means M is the mother of N
2. M # N means M is the father of N
3. M  @ N means M is the husband of N
4. M % N means M is the daughter of N

If G $ M @ K, how is K related to G?


2. Mother-in-law



 Read the following information carefully and answer the question below.

1. M $ N means M is the mother of N
2. M # N means M is the father of N
3. M @ N means M is the husband of N
4. M % N means M is the daughter of N

Which of the following expressions indicate ‘H is the brother of N’?

1. H # R $ D $ N

2. H # R $ D $ N

3.N % F @ D % H

4. N % F @ D $ H # R

 Read the following information carefully and answer the question below.

1. Rohansh is the son of Aryansh’s father’s sister.
2. Somit is son of Disha who is mother of Aarav and Grandmother of Aryansh.
3. Lalit is the father of Ananya and grandfather of Rohansh.
4. Disha is wife of Lalit.

How is Disha related to Rohansh?





 Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.

1. In a family of six persons, L, M, N, F, P, Q, there are two married couples.
2. F is grandmother of L and mother of M.
3. N is wife of M and mother of Q.
4. Q is the grand-daughter of P.

Which of the following is true?

1.L is the brother of Q.

2. L is the sister of Q.

3.M has three daughters.

4.None of these

 Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.

1. M $ N means M is the mother of N
2. M # N means M is the father of N
3. M @ N means M is the husband of N
4. M % N means M is the daughter of N

P  @ Q $ M # T indicates what relationship of P with T?

1.Paternal grandmother

2.Paternal grandfather

3.Maternal grandfather

4.Maternal grandmother

 Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.

1. P x Q means P is the father of Q
2. P - Q means P is the sister of Q
3. P + Q means P is the mother of Q
4. P ÷ Q means P is the brother of Q

Which of the following represents ‘R is niece of M’?

1.M – J + R – N

2.R – M x T - W

3.M – K x T - R

4.None of these

 Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.

1. Rohansh is the son of Aryansh’s father’s sister.
2. Somit is son of Disha who is mother of Aarav and Grandmother of Aryansh.
3. Lalit is the father of Ananya and grandfather of Rohansh.
4. Disha is wife of Lalit.

How is Aarav’s wife related to Ananya?





 Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.

There are six children playing football, namely, Z, Y, X, W, V and U.

1. Z and V are brothers.
2. U is the sister of V.
3. X is the only son of Z’s uncle.
4. Y and W are daughters of the brother of X’s father.

How is W related to Z?

1. Uncle


3. Sister

4. Niece

 The question given below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement - I. All bats are lions.
II. No cow is lion.
III. Some camels are cows.

Conclusion - I. Some lions are camels.
II. No camel is bat.
III. Some bats are cows.

1.Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3.Only III follows

4.None of these

 The question given below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement - I. All fruits are lions
II. All lions are foxes
III. Some foxes are beggars

Conclusion - I. All fruits are foxes.
II. Some fruits are beggars.

1.Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3.Only III follows

4.Only I and II follows

 The question given below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement- I. No key is door.
II. All doors are pens.
III. Some pens are houses.

Conclusion - I. No key is house.
II. Some pens are doors.

1.Only I follows

2. Only II follows

3. Only III follows

4.Only I and II follows

A man said to a lady, “Your mother’s husband’s sister is my aunt”.
How is the lady related to the man?





Ashwin introduces Rohit as the son of the only brother of his father’s wife.

How is Ashwin’s mother related to Rohit?



3. Uncle


If Karan says, “Rocky’s mother is the only daughter of my mother”, How is Karan related to Rocky?





In question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II.

Give answer

(A) If only I follows
(B) If only II follows
(C) If either I or II follows
(D) If neither I nor II follows
(E) If both I and II follow.

Statement I. All musicians are painters.
II. All dancers are painters.

Conclusion I. All dancers are musicians.
II. Some painters are not dancers.

1. Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3.Either I or II follows

4.Neither I nor II follows

In the question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II.

Give answer

(A) If only I follows
(B) If only II follows
(C) If either I or II follows
(D) If neither I nor II follows
(E) If both I and II follow.

Statement - I. All dogs are cats.
II. All rats are cats.

Conclusion - I. No dogs are cat.
II. Some cat are rat.

1. Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3. Either I or II follows

4.Neither I nor II follows

In the question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II.

Give answer

(A) If only I follows
(B) If only II follows
(C) If either I or II follows
(D) If neither I nor II follows
(E) If both I and II follow.

Statement - I. No woman is stupid
II. Neha is a woman

Conclusion - I. Neha is not stupid
II. All woman are Neha

1.Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3.Either I or II follows

4.Neither I nor II follows

In the question given below consists of five or six statements followed by options consisting of three statements put together in a specific order. Choose the option which indicates a valid argument containing logically related statements that is, where the third statement is conclusion drawn from preceding two statements.

A. An eagle lays eggs.
B. All birds lay eggs.
C. Some birds can fly.
D. An eagle cannot fly.
E. An eagle is a bird.
F. An eagle cannot swim.




4. ECB

In the question given below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement - A. Ravens are white. Ravens are good. All good are white.
B. Insects are faster than eagles. All eagle are hawks. Insects are faster than hawks.
C. No boy is a saint. Peter is a boy. Peter is a saint.




4. None

Pointing to an old woman, Aryan said ‘’Her son is my son’s uncle.”
How is Aryan related to old woman?



3. Son


Pointing to Raja, Rani said, “His mother’s brother is the father of my son Rajkumar”.

How is Raja related to Rani?





Read the following information carefully and answer the question below.

1. J + K means J is the son of K
2. J - K means J is the wife of K
3. J x K means J is the brother of K
4. J ÷ K means J is the mother of K
5. J = K means J is the sister of K

What does A x B ÷ C mean?

1.A is the brother of C

2.A is the father of C

3.A is the uncle of C

4.A is the nephew of C

Read the following information carefully and answer the question below.

1. M $ N means M is the mother of N
2. M # N means M is the father of N
3. M  @ N means M is the husband of N
4. M % N means M is the daughter of N

If F  @ D % K # H, then how is F related to H?



3. Sister-in-law

4.None of these

Read the following information carefully and answer the question below.

1. M $ N means M is the mother of N
2. M # N means M is the father of N
3. M @ N means M is the husband of N
4. M % N means M is the daughter of N

Which of the following expressions indicate ‘R is the sister of H’?

1.H $ D @ F # R

2.R % D @ F $ H

3. R $ D @ F # H

4.None of these

Read the following information carefully and answer the question below.

There are six children playing football, namely, Z, Y, X, W, V and U.

1. Z and V are brothers.
2. U is the sister of V.
3. X is the only son of Z’s uncle.
4. Y and W are daughters of the brother of X’s father.

How is X related to U?




4. Uncle

Read the following information carefully and answer the question below.

There are six children playing football, namely, Z, Y, X, W, V and U.

1. Z and V are brothers.
2. U is the sister of V.
3. X is the only son of Z’s uncle.
4. Y and W are daughters of the brother of X’s father.

How many male players are there?





Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.

1. In a family of six persons, L, M, N, F, P, Q, there are two married couples.
2. F is grandmother of L and mother of M.
3. N is wife of M and mother of Q.
4. Q is the grand-daughter of P.

How many male members are there in the family?


2. 2

3. 3

4.Cannot be determined

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.

1. In a family of six persons, L, M, N, F, P, Q, there are two married couples.
2. F is grandmother of L and mother of M.
3. N is wife of M and mother of Q.
4. Q is the grand-daughter of P.

What is N to L?




4.None of these

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.

1. In a family of six persons, L, M, N, F, P, Q, there are two married couples.
2. F is grandmother of L and mother of M.
3. N is wife of M and mother of Q.
4. Q is the grand-daughter of P.

Who among the following is one of the couples?

1. N-F


3. P-M

4.None of these

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.

1. J + K means J is the son of K
2. J - K means J is the wife of K
3. J x K means J is the brother of K
4. J ÷ K means J is the mother of K
5. J = K means J is the sister of K

What does A + B – C mean?

1. C is the father of A

2.C is the uncle of A

3.C is the son of A

4.C is the brother of A

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.

1. P x Q means P is the father of Q
2. P - Q means P is the sister of Q
3. P + Q means P is the mother of Q
4. P ÷ Q means P is the brother of Q

In the expression, B + D x M ÷ N, how is M related to B?





Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.

1. P x Q means P is the father of Q
2. P - Q means P is the sister of Q
3. P + Q means P is the mother of Q
4. P ÷ Q means P is the brother of Q

Which of the following represents ‘J is the son of F’?

1. J ÷ R – T x F

2.J + R – T x F

3.J ÷ M – N x F

4.None of these

Statement - A. Some drugs are illegal. Marble is illegal. Marble is a drug.

B. All wolves are dogs. Some dogs are birds. Some wolves are dogs.

C. All locks are keys. Some keys do not open. Some locks do not open.


2. B



The question given below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement - A. All beggars are poor. All lions are poor. So, all lions are beggars.
B. All people are boxes. All foxes are people. So, all boxes are foxes.
C. All men can run. All women are men. So, all women can run.

1. A



4. None

The question given below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement - A. No Z is A. All X is Z. No X is A.
B. No Z is A. All X is Z. All X is A.
C. Some Z is not A. Some X is Z. Some X is not A.

1. A




The question given below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement - I. All flowers are toys.
II. Some toys are idiots.
III. Some angels are idiots.

Conclusion - I. Some angels are toys.
II. Some idiots are flowers.
III. Some flowers are angels.

1.Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3.Only III follows

4.None follows

The question given below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement - I. All fruits are textbooks.
II. All pens are textbooks.
III. All textbooks are rains.

Conclusion - I. All fruits are rains.
II. All pens are rains.
III. Some rains are textbooks.

1.Only I follows

2. Only II follows

3. Only III follows

4.All follow

The question given below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement - I. All papers are books
II. All bags are books
III. Some purses are bags

Conclusion - I. Some papers are bags
II. Some books are papers
III. Some books are purses

1.Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3.Only III follows

4.Both II and III follow

The question given below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement - I. All snakes are idiots.
II. Some idiots are people.
III. All people are soft.

Conclusion - I. Some idiots are not snakes.
II. Some people are snakes.
III. Some soft are idiots.

1.Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3.Only III follows

4.Only I and II follows

The question given below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement - I. Some buttons are rivers.
II. Some rivers are shirts.
III. All shirts are people.

Conclusion - I. Some people are rivers.
II. Some people are buttons.
III. Some shirts are buttons.

1.Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3.Only I and II follows

4. Both II and III follow

The question given below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement - I. Some guns are hammers.
II. Some hammers are bullets.
III. Some bullets are axes.

Conclusion - I. Some axes are hammers.
II. Some bullets are guns.
III. Some axes are guns.

1.Only I follows

2.Only II follows

3.Only III follows

4.None follows

The question given below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement - I. Some pens are books.
II. All temples are books.
III. Some libraries are temples.

Conclusion - I. Some libraries are pens.
II. Some pens are temples.
III. Some libraries are books.

1.Only I follows

2. Only II follows

3.None follows

4.Only I and II follows


  1. Reasoning Mcq Set 1
  2. Reasoning Mcq Set 2
  3. Reasoning Mcq Set 3
  4. Reasoning Mcq Set 4
  5. Reasoning Mcq Set 5
  6. Reasoning Mcq Set 6
  7. Reasoning Mcq Set 7
  8. Reasoning Mcq Set 8
  9. Reasoning Mcq Set 9
  10. Reasoning Mcq Set 10
  11. Reasoning Mcq Set 11
  12. Reasoning Mcq Set 12
  13. Reasoning Mcq Set 13
  14. Reasoning Mcq Set 14
  15. Reasoning Mcq Set 15
  16. Reasoning Mcq Set 16
  17. Reasoning Ability Set 1
  18. Reasoning Ability Set 2
  19. Number Series Logical Reasoning Questions Mcq Set 1
  20. Data Interpretation Tabulation set 1
  21. Data Interpretation Tabulation set 2
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