Internet explorer falls under
1.operating system
3. browser
4. IP address
IPv6 addressed have a size of
1. 32 bits
2. 64 bits
3. 128 bits
4.265 bits
To design a webpage we need to use
1. server
2. XML
Which of the following functions are done by a web server?
1.Accept requests from a web browser
2.Sends back results in HTML
3.Executes programs with arguments supplied by the user
4.All of the Mentioned
A computer on internet is identified by address
2.street address
3. IP address
4.server address
A graphical or text depiction of the relationship between different groups of content on a website is referred to as a:
3. Sitemap
4.Card sorting
A method of modelling and describing user tasks for an interactive application is referred to as:
1.Customer journey
2.Primary persona
3. Use case
4.Web design persona
A search engine which is a tool that uses another search engine's data to produce their own results from the internet, are known as
1.advance search engine
2. metasearch engine
3. search tool
4.boolean search engine
A website's main page is called
1. browser page
2. search page
3. home page
4. bookmark
A ______ is a globally unique name for every document that can be accessed on the Web
1. ID
2. UCL
A ______ is a program running on the server which accepts requests from a browser and sends HTML documents
1.Web server
2.Web transmitter
3. Web intermediate
4. Web multitasker
Also known as schematics, a way of illustrating the layout of an individual webpage is a:
1. Wireframe
3.Card sorting
An approach to website design with the emphasis on converting visitors to outcomes required by the owner is referred to as:
1.Web usability
2. Persuasion
3.Web accessibility
4.None of the mentioned
Another name of internet is
1. virtual space space
3.information space
4. cyber space
Blueprints are intended to:
1.Prototype of the screen layout showing navigation and main design elements
2. Show the grouping of pages and user journeys
3.Indicate the structure of a site during site design and as a user feature
4.Prototype typical customer journeys or clickstreams through a website
Browsers use a standardized syntax called?
3. XML
Collection of documents stored on a computer which is permanently connected with internet around the world is called
1. telnet
Computer SOAP is
1.format for sending message
2.designed to communicate via internet independent platform
4.All of these
Computer web pages are connected to one another using
3. interlink
4. multimedia
Computer web pages are written in type of language which is
3. hyperlinks
Example of metasearch engine includes
3. polymeta
4.All of these
In computer, HTML is used to create
1.machine language program
2.high level program
3.web page
4. web server
In computer, UDDI stands for
1.uniform description discovery and integration
2. universal description discovery and integration
3.uniform discovery description and integration
4.uniform discovery delivery and integration
In computer, URL means
1. address of the resource on the web
2. term used to describe website
3.term used to get online program
4. term used to connect computers
Information architecture influences:
1.Answer choice
2.Answer choice
4.Navigation design
Internet which is accessed by transmitting digital data over the wires of a local telephone network is provided by
1.leased line subscriber line signal line
4. land line
ISP exchanges internet traffic between their networks with the help of
1. internet exchange point
2.subscriber end point
3.ISP end point
4.internet society
Mail access starts with client when user needs to download e-mail from the
1. Mail Box
2. Internet
3. IP server
4.Mail Server
MIME stands for
1.Multipurpose Internet Mail Extra
2.Multipurpose Internet Mail End
3.Multipurpose Internet Mail Email
4. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
Search engine which takes input from a user and simultaneously send out queries to third party search engines for result, is
1. advance search engine
2.metasearch engine tool
4.boolean search engine
SOAP is a format for sending messages and is also called as ___
1.Network protocol
2.Data Transfer protocol
3.Communication protocol
4.None of these
SOAP is an _________ to let applications exchange information over HTTP.
1.XML-based protocol
2. JAVA-based protocol
3. PHP-based protocol
4..NET-based protocol
SOAP is platform ______
3.Independent upto some extent
4.None of these
State true or false: HTTP is connectionless
2. False
3.May be
4. Can't say
State true or false: The code implementing the actions in the business logic layer ensures that business rules are followed
1. True
3.May be
4.Can't say
Storage area for E–mail messages is called
3. File
4. Mail Box
Telnet is a ______ based computer protocol.
1. Text
4. Sound
The computer jargon, WWWW stands for
1. world wide web worm wide wildlife web
3. world wide women's web wide women's week
The extra information of a site maintained at the client end is called as _______
4.none of the above
The world Wide Web was introduced in
2. mid-1970s
The _________ layer provides the interface between the business logic layer and the underlying database
1.Business-logic layer
2.Data access layer
3. Data transfer layer
4.Business manager layer
The ___________ provides a high level view of data and actions on data
1.Business-logic layer
2.Data access layer
3.Data transfer layer
4.Business manager layer
There are Four Scenarios in
1. Email
2. IP
3. Domains
Verification of a login name and password is called
1. configuration
2. accessibility
4.logging in
Web Services is used to
1.Solve the interoperability problem
2.Reuse application-components
3.Connect existing software
4.All of these
Web services use ________ to code and to decode data.
4.None of these
Web-applications were developed in order to interact _______
2. Server
3.Different platforms
4.None of these
What are report generators?
1.They are the tools to generate human readable reports from a database
2.They are the tools that generate reports on the statistics of the database usage
3.They are the tools that prevent database querying and instead they generate pie charts and graphs
4.None of the mentioned
What are workflows in a business logic layer?
1.They describe how a particular task that involves servers is handled
2.They describe how multiple tasks involving a single participant is handled
3.They describe how a particular task involving multiple participants is handled.
4.None of the mentioned
What is the full form of CGI?
1.Common graphics interface
2.Common gateway interface
3.Common gateway internet
4.Common gateway information
What is the full form of JSON?
1.JavaScript Object Native
2.JavaScript Object Notation
3.JavaScript Object Negation
4. Java Object Notation
What is the function of the cascading style sheet
1. Allows us to edit the HTML document
2.It is an IDE that allows us to write HTML codes more efficiently
3. It allows us to use the same style on multiple HTML documents
4.It acts as an intermediary to provide a variety of information services
What is the use of CGI?
1.It specifies the path of data transfer
2.It specifies how the server communicates with the application programs
3. It charts out error handling procedures in case an error arises
4.None of the mentioned
When sender and receiver of an e-mail are on same system, we need only two
1.User Agents
3. IP
Which of the following features does Rapid Application Development possess?
1.Provide a library of functions to generate UI elements
2.Provide drag and drop features in a n IDE
3.Auto generation of code for the user interface from a declarative specification
4.All of the Mentioned
Which of the following is not a name for an item that could be a security threat to your computer?
1. trojan horse
4. virus
Which of the following is not a web application development framework feature?
1. An object oriented model
2.A declarative way of specifying a form with validation constraints
3.Creating mass servers for effective handling of data
4. A template scripting system
Which of the following is true regarding the model-view- controller architecture?
1.The model corresponds to the business logic layer
2. The view defines the presentation of data
3.The controller receives events, executes actions on the model and returns a view
4.All of the mentioned
Which of the following methods is used to reduce overhead?
1.Connection pooling
2.Parallel Processing
3.Caching Query Results at the server
4.All of the Mentioned
____ is a directory for storing information about web services.