Analytical instruments/Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 3 Sample Test,Sample questions

 It is more difficult to measure the width at half peak height than the base width in the detector output.



3.all of the above

4.None of the mentioned

 The solute, while moving in the column is always in equilibrium with both the stationary phase and the mobile phase.

1. True


3.all of the above

4.None of the mentioned

 Which of the following is not true about the radial compression column when compared to standard separation column?

1.Internal diameter decreases

2.Overall operating pressure decreases

3. Analysis time decreases

4.Solvent flow increases

 Which of the following is the expression for longitudinal diffusion in the column, if ‘γ’ represents obstruction factor, ‘dM’ represents particle diameter, ‘DM’ represents Solute diffusion co-efficient and ‘λ’ represents function for packing uniformity?

1. λ dM

2.2 γ DM

3.DM γ

4. λ/dM

Base line resolution is achieved when degree of resolution/separation is ______





Bulk property detectors used in liquid chromatography does not respond to which of the following properties?

1.Refractive index


3.Properties of solutes

4.Dielectric constant

Detector selectivity is more important in Liquid chromatography than in Gas chromatography.



3.all of the above

4.None of the mentioned

For an unpacked coated capillary column, the obstruction factor takes which of the following values?





Gas-solid chromatography can be used only for separation of certain low molecular weight gaseous species.



3.all of the above

4.All of the Mentioned

Gravity feed method for solvent delivery is not used with narrow bore columns packed with fine mesh particles.



3.all of the above

4.None of the mentioned

High pressure liquid chromatography can be performed only in columns.



3.all of the above

4.None of the mentioned

In gas-liquid chromatography, when films are used in the interior of the capillary column, then what is the value of Eddy diffusion?

1.Greater than 1

2.Less than 1


4.Less than zero

In which of the following methods are liquid samples injected into the column in gas chromatography?

1.Gas tight syringe


3.Rotary sample valve

4.Solid injection syringes

Retention factor is also known as the capacitance factor.



3.all of the above

4.None of the mentioned

Retention volume can be obtained by finding the product of which of the following parameters?

1.Dead time and total porosity

2.Retention time and volumetric flow rate

3.Adjusted retention time and volumetric flow rate

4.Retention time and total porosity.

Slow injection of large samples leads to band broadening and loss of resolution.

1. True


3.all of the above

4.None of the mentioned

Syringe pumps used in High pressure liquid chromatography are most suitable for which of the following columns?

1.Capillary columns

2.Guard columns

3.Short-fast columns

4.Small bore columns

The distribution coefficients of Gas-solid chromatography are greater than that of Gas-liquid chromatography.

1. True


3.all of the above

4.None of the mentioned

What must be the value of the selectivity factor?

1.Equal to 1

2.Less than 1

3.Greater than 1

4.Greater than 0

Which of the following are the practical problems that arise due to the decrease in column diameter?

1.Requirement of large particle size and high pressure drop

2.Requirement of large particle size and low pressure drop

3.Requirement of small particle size and high pressure drop

4.Requirement of small particle size and low pressure drop

Which of the following cannot be done to reduce ripple in High pressure liquid chromatography?

1.Using bellows

2.Using restrictors

3.Using long nylon tube between pump and column

4.Avoiding the use of the solvent pump

Which of the following columns are not used in liquid or high performance liquid chromatography?

1.Analytical column

2.Separation column

3.Guard column

4.Capillary column

Which of the following columns can be used in Gas-solid chromatography?

1. Open tubular column

2. Analytical column

3.Separation column

4.Guard column

Which of the following components cannot be retained by gas-liquid columns but can be separated by using gas-solid chromatography?


2.Hydrogen sulphide


4.Carbon dioxide

Which of the following conditions will cause the efficiency of the column to increase?

1.Plate number becomes greater, plate height becomes smaller

2.Plate number becomes smaller, plate height becomes smaller

3.Plate number becomes greater, plate height becomes larger

4.Plate number becomes greater, plate height becomes larger

Which of the following equations give the expression for plate number, N when ‘tR’ is the adjusted retention time and ‘Wb’ is the width at the base of the peak which is equal to 4 standard deviations.

1.16 tR2/Wb

2. 4 tR2/Wb

3. (4tR/Wb)2

4. 4 (tR/Wb)2

Which of the following is a special adsorbent used in gas-solid chromatography?

1.Molecular sieves

2.Silica gel



Which of the following is not a characteristic of the syringe pump used in high pressure liquid chromatography?

1.Pressure capability is high

2.Maintenance is frequent

3.Limited reservoir capability

4.Slight change of flow rate when extremely high pressure compresses the solvent

Which of the following is not a Column-type Liquid chromatography?

1.Gel permeation

2.Ion exchange



Which of the following is not a desired characteristic of pulse dampers or flow smootheners used in liquid chromatography?

1.Easy mobile phase change over

2.Constant flow must be maintained

3.Should be effective at low system pressure

4.Maximal dead volume

Which of the following is not a disadvantage of gas-solid chromatography?

1. Strong retention of polar solutes

2.Lifetime is short

3.Occurrence of catalytic changes

4.Cannot be used for very wide range of components

Which of the following is not a disadvantage of Pneumatic pumps used in liquid chromatography?

1.Pulsed output

2.Dependent on solvent viscosity

3.Dependent on back pressure

4.Inconvenient for solvent gradient elution

Which of the following is not a property of a good detector used in liquid chromatography?

1. Good sensitivity

2.Ability to function in the presence of a large background signal

3.Short response time

4.Volume of detector must be large

Which of the following is not an advantage for the conversion of packed columns into wide bore capillaries?

1.Longer retention times

2. Longer life

3.Higher efficiency

4.Greater inertness

Which of the following is not an advantage of gas-solid chromatography?

1.Increased column life

2.Can be used for separation of rare gases

3. Leads to semi-permanent retention of the analyte

4. Ability to retain some components that cannot be easily retained by other gas chromatography method

Which of the following is not an advantage of Syringe type pumps used in High pressure liquid chromatography?

1. Independent of viscosity

2.Pulse-less flow

3. High pressure capability

4. Unlimited solvent capacity

Which of the following is not true about High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)?

1.It requires high pressure for the separation of the specious

2.There is no need to vaporise the samples

3.It is performed in columns

4.It has high sensitivity

Which of the following is not true about Hydraulic capacitance flow control system used in HPLC?

1.It can be used only for liquids with low viscosity

2.It is irrespective of solvent compressibility

3.It maintains a constant flow

4.It smoothens high pressure pump pulsations

Which of the following is not true about narrow bore column when compared to standard columns?

1.Internal diameter decreases

2.Volumetric flow decreases

3.Solvent cost is saved

4.Detector response time increases

Which of the following is not true about solvent programming which is done in high performance liquid chromatography?

1. It provides unequal bandwidths

2.It provides fast overall separation

3.It provides maximum resolution

4.It provides maximum sensitivity

Which of the following is not true about the guard column used in liquid chromatography?

1.It filters particles that clog the separation column

2.It extends the lifetime of separation column

3.It allows particles that cause precipitation upon contact with stationary or mobile phase

4.The size of packing varies with the type of protection needed

Which of the following is the disadvantage of hydrogen, which can be used as carrier gas in gas chromatography?

1.Dangerous to use


3.Reduced sensitivity

4.High density

Which of the following is the disadvantage of nitrogen, which can be used as carrier gas in gas chromatography?

1.Dangerous to use


3.Reduced sensitivity

4. High density

Which of the following is the disadvantage of reciprocating pump used in liquid chromatography?

1.Produces pulsed flow

2.Corrosive components

3.Does not have small hold-up value

4.Does not have moderate flow rate

Which of the following is the distance that the solute moves while undergoing one partition?

1. Retention distance

2.Distribution constant

3.Plate height

4.Column packing length

Which of the following is the expression for Eddy diffusion in the column, if ‘γ’ represents obstruction factor, ‘dp’ represents particle diameter, ‘DM’ represents Solute diffusion co-efficient and ‘λ’ represents function for packing uniformity?

1. λ dM

2.2 γ DM

3.DM γ


Which of the following properties of molecular sieves make it ideal for exclusion mechanism of separation?

1.High thermal stability

2.Large inner surface area

3.Variable framework charge

4.Ability to distinguish materials on the basis of their size

Which of the following pulse damper takes up some amount of the pulsation energy which is released to provide smooth pressure without pulsations?

1.Flexible bellows or compressible gas passed through tee columns

2.Flexible inert diaphragm

3.Electronic pulse damper

4.Electrical pulse damper

Which of the following types of liquid chromatography uses immobilized biochemical as a stationary phase?

1.Ion exchange chromatography

2.Exclusion chromatography

3.Affinity chromatography

4.Gel permeation chromatography

Which of the following will improve the efficiency of the separation process in liquid chromatography?

1. Increase in sample size, increase in column diameter

2.Reduction in sample size, increase in column diameter

3.Increase in sample size, reduction in column diameter

4.Reduction in sample size, reduction in column diameter


  1. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 1
  2. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 2
  3. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 3
  4. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 4
  5. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 5
  6. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 6
  7. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 7
  8. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 8
  9. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 9
  10. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 10
  11. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 11
  12. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 12
  13. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 13
  14. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 14
  15. Analytical Instrumentation Colorimetry and Spectrometry MCQ
  16. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 15
  17. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 16
  18. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 17
  19. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 18
  20. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 19
  21. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 20
  22. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 21
  23. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 22
  24. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 23
  25. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 24
  26. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 25
  27. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 26
  28. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 27
  29. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 28
  30. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 29
  31. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 30
  32. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 31
  33. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 32
  34. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 33
  35. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 34
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