Analytical instruments/Analytical Instrumentation Colorimetry and Spectrometry MCQ Sample Test,Sample questions

 How does continuous wedge filter differ from normal interference filter used in absorption spectroscopy?

1.It permits continuous selection of different wavelength

2.It allows narrow band of wavelengths to pass

3.It has two semi-transparent layers of silver

4.Space layer is made of a substance having low refractive index

 The representation of Beer Lambert’s law is given as A = abc. If ‘b’ represents distance, ‘c’ represents concentration and ‘A’ represents absorption, what does ‘a’ represent?





Beer Lambert’s law gives the relation between which of the following?

1.Reflected radiation and concentration

2.Scattered radiation and concentration

3.Energy absorption and concentration

4.Energy absorption and reflected radiation

Beer’s law states that the intensity of light decreases with respect to ___________





Beer’s law states that the intensity of light decreases with respect to ___________





How can stability of radiation be achieved in incandescent or discharge source used in Absorption Spectroscopy?

1.Using filters

2.Using monochromators

3.Using slits

4.By controlling the source voltage

How is Tungsten Halogen lamp differ from normal Tungsten filament lamp used in absorption spectroscopy?

1.It has a tungsten filament and is filled with inert gas

2.Iodine is added to normal filling gas

3. Iodine is coated on tungsten filament

4.Iodine is added to inert gas

How is Tungsten Halogen lamp differ from normal Tungsten filament lamp used in absorption spectroscopy?

1.It has a tungsten filament and is filled with inert gas

2.Iodine is added to normal filling gas

3.Iodine is coated on tungsten filament

4.Iodine is added to inert gas

How is wave number of electromagnetic radiation related to wavelength?

1.It is the reciprocal of wavelength

2.It is directly proportional to wavelength

3.It is not related to wavelength

4.It is equal to wavelength

In which of the following ways, absorption is related to transmittance?

1.Absorption is the logarithm of transmittance

2.Absorption is the reciprocal of transmittance

3.Absorption is the negative logarithm of transmittance

4.Absorption is a multiple of transmittance

In which of the following ways, absorption is related to transmittance?

1.Absorption is the logarithm of transmittance

2.Absorption is the reciprocal of transmittance

3.Absorption is the negative logarithm of transmittance

4.Absorption is a multiple of transmittance

Instead of glass filters, why gelatin filters could not be used for a long period while both are Absorption filters?

1.Gelatin tends to evaporate and hence they deteriorate

2.Gelatin is affected by humidity in environment

3.They deteriorate due to absorption of heat leading to changes in gelatin

4.Gelation is affected by temperature in environment

Lambert’s law states that the intensity of light decreases with respect to __________





Lambert’s law states that the intensity of light decreases with respect to __________





Spectroscopy deals with interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. What is the speed of this radiation in vacuum in m/s?

1.Rotation of molecules


3.Bonding electrons

4.Spin of nuclei in magnetic field

To tolerate high operating temperatures, which of the following has to be done in incandescent or tungsten filament lamps?

1.Alloys must be used

2.Nitrogen be used instead of inert gas

3.Envelope is fabricated with quartz

4.Envelope is fabricated with copper

Transmittance is given as T = P/Po. If Po is the power incident on the sample, what does P represent?

1.Radiant power transmitted by the sample

2.Radiant power absorbed by the sample

3.Sum of powers absorbed and scattered

4.Sum of powers transmitted and reflected

Which of the following detectors does not require a battery and is also known as barrier layer cell?

1.Photomultiplier tube

2.Photovoltaic cell

3.Photoemissive tubes

4.Photo reflector

Which of the following is a source used in spectroscopy?


2.Tube light

3.Sodium vapor lamp

4.Tungsten lamp

Which of the following is false about wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation?

1.Radiation with short wavelengths have high energies

2.Energy does not depend on wavelength

3.Radiation with long wavelengths have low energies

4.Energy depends on wavelength

Which of the following is false about wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation?

1.Radiation with short wavelengths have high energies

2.Energy does not depend on wavelength

3.Radiation with long wavelengths have low energies

4.Energy depends on wavelength

Which of the following is not a limitation of Beer Lambert’s law, which gives the relation between absorption, thickness, and concentration?

1.Concentration must be lower

2.Radiation must have higher bandwidth

3.Radiation source must be monochromatic

4.Does not consider factors other than thickness and concentration that affect absorbance

Which of the following is not a property or parameter of electromagnetic radiation?



3.Wave number


Which of the following is not a reason for laser not being generally used as a source of radiation for UV, Visible Spectroscopy?

1.High cost

2.Limited range of wavelength

3.Less intensity

4.Complex to work with

Which of the following is not a type of Spectroscopy?

1.Gamma ray

2. X ray

3.Nuclear magnetic resonance


Which of the following is not an application of colorimeter?




4.Composition detection

Which of the following is not true about Absorption spectroscopy?

1.It involves transmission

2.Scattering is kept minimum

3.Reflection is kept maximum

4.Intensity of radiation leaving the substance is an indication of concentration

Which of the following is not true about Absorption spectroscopy?

1.It involves transmission

2.Scattering is kept minimum

3. Reflection is kept maximum

4.Intensity of radiation leaving the substance is an indication of concentration

Which of the following is the wavelength of microwave radiation?

1.10 – 780nm

2.0.78 – 30µm

3.0.6 – 10 m

4.0.75 – 3.75 mm

Which of the following statements is false about single beam absorption instruments?

1.Tungsten bulb is used as source

2.Beamsplitter is used to get parallel beam

3.Test tube is used as sample holder

4.Photovoltaic cell as detector


  1. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 1
  2. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 2
  3. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 3
  4. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 4
  5. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 5
  6. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 6
  7. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 7
  8. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 8
  9. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 9
  10. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 10
  11. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 11
  12. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 12
  13. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 13
  14. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 14
  15. Analytical Instrumentation Colorimetry and Spectrometry MCQ
  16. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 15
  17. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 16
  18. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 17
  19. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 18
  20. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 19
  21. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 20
  22. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 21
  23. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 22
  24. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 23
  25. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 24
  26. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 25
  27. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 26
  28. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 27
  29. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 28
  30. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 29
  31. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 30
  32. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 31
  33. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 32
  34. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 33
  35. Analytical Instrumentation MCQ Question Set 34
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