Salesforce/Apex MCQ Questions Sample Test,Sample questions

What is the difference between a static method and an instance method in Apex?

1.A static method can only be called on an instance of a class, while an instance method can be called on the class itself.

2.A static method can only be called on an instance of a class, while an instance method can be called on the class itself.

3.A static method operates on class-level data, while an instance method operates on instance-level data)

4.A static method can only be called within a trigger, while an instance method can be called from anywhere in the code.


  1. Salesforce MCQ Set 1
  2. Salesforce MCQ Set 2
  3. Salesforce MCQ Set 3
  4. Salesforce mcq question and answer
  5. Apex MCQ Questions & Answers
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