Engineering-Civil Engineering MCQS/Surveying Section 5 Sample Test,Sample questions

A sewer is laid from a manhole A to a manhole B, 250 m away along a gradient of 1 in 125. If the reduced level of the invert at A is 205.75 m and the height of the boning rod is 3 m, the reduced level of the sight rail at B, is

1.208.75 m

2. 202.75 m

3.206.75 m

4.211.75 m

If the whole circle bearing of a line is 180°, its reduced bearing is

1. S 0° E

2.S 0° W



Perpendicular offset from a tangent to the junction of a transition curve and circular curve is equal to


2. twice the shift

3.thrice the shift

4.four times the shift.

Rankine's deflection angle in minutes is obtained by multiplying the length of the chord by of the curve

2. square of the degree of the curve

3. inverse of the degree of the curve

4. none of these.

Short offsets are measured with ordinary chain invar tape

3.a metallic tape

4.a steel tape.

The line of sight is kept as high above ground surface as possible to minimise the error in the observed angles due to


2.horizontal refraction

3.vertical refraction

4.both shimmering and horizontal refraction.

If a linear traverse follows a sharp curve round a large lake where it is difficult to have long legs, the accuracy of the traverse may be improved by

1.taking short legs

2.making repeated observations of angular and linear measurements

3. making a subsidiary traverse to determine the length of a long leg

4.all the above.

If the plane table is not horizontal in a direction at right angles to the alidade, the line of sight is parallel to the fiducial edge only for

1.horizontal sights

2. inclined sights upward

3. inclined sight downward

4.none of these.

Mistakes which may produce a very serious effect upon the final results arise due to

1. in attention experience


4.all of these.

Number of subdivisions per metre length of a levelling staff is





The distance between terminal points computed from a subsidiary traverse run between them, is generally known, as

1.traverse leg

2.a base

3.traverse base

4. all the above.

You have to observe an included angle with better accuracy than what is achievable by a vernier, you will prefer the method of



3.double observations


A well conditioned triangle has no angle less than





Bergchrund is a topograhical feature in

1. plains

2.water bodies


4.glaciated region

Chain surveying is well adopted for

1. small areas in open ground

2.small areas with crowded details

3.large areas with simple details

4.large areas with difficult details.

Check lines (or proof lines) in Chain Surveying, are essentially required plot the chain lines

2. to plot the offsets

3. to indicate the accuracy of the survey work

4. to increase the out-turn

Contour lines of different elevations can unite to form one line, only in the case of

1.a vertical cliff

2.a saddle

3.a water shed line

4.a hill top.

Designation of a curve is made by :

1.angle subtended by a chord of any length

2.angle subtended by an arc of specified length

3.radius of the curve

4. curvature of the curve.

During secular variation of magnetic meridian at different places

1.range of oscillations is constant

2.period of oscillation is constant

3.range and period of oscillation both vary

4.period of oscillation only varies.

For high sensivity of the bubble tube

1.a liquid of low viscosity is used

2. a liquid of low surface tension is used

3. the bubble space should be long

4.all the above.

For indirect ranging, number of ranging rods required, is





For locating a distant object visible from two transit stations, the method usually preferred to, is

1.Angles and distances from transit stations

2.Angles from two transit stations

3.distance from two transit stations

4.Angle from one transit station and distance from the other.

In a closed traverse, sum of south latitudes exceeds the sum of north latitudes and the sum of east departures exceeds the sum of west departures, then, the closing line will lie in

1.north-west quadrant

2.north east quadrant

3.south-east quadrant

4.south-west quadrant.

Pick up the correct statement from the following

1.1 second of arc corresponds to a displacement ratio of 1:206, 300

2.1 degree of arc corresponds to a displacement ratio of 1:57

3.the angular errors tend to propagate themselves along a traverse as the square root of the number of stations

4. all the above.

Pick up the correct statement from the following :

1. the diaphragm is placed between eyepiece and the objective but nearer to the former

2.the diaphragm is placed between the eyepiece and objective but nearer to the later

3.the outer component of the objective is a double-convex lens of crown glass

4.all the above.

Profile levelling is usually done for determining

1.contours of an area

2.capacity of a reservoir

3.elevations along a straight line

4.boundaries of property

Prolongation of chain line across an obstruction in chain surveying, is done by

1.making angular measurements

2.drawing perpendiculars with a chain

3. solution of triangles

4.all the above.

Subtense tacheometry is generally preferred to if ground is





The chaining on sloping ground is

1.easier along the falling gradient

2.easier along the up gradient

3.equally convenient along falling as well as up gradient

4.all the above.

The chord of a curve less than peg interval, is known as

1.small chord


3.normal chord

4.short chord.

The Huygen's telescope eye piece aplanatic


3.both (a) and (b)

4.neither (a) nor (b).

The line of collimation method of reduction of levels, does not provide a check on

1. intermediate sights

2.fore sights

3.back sights

4.reduced levels.

The method of reversal usually directed to examine whether a certain part is truly parallel or perpendicular to another

2. makes the erroneous relationship between parts evident

3.both (a) and (b)

4.neither (a) nor (b).

The operation of resection involves the following steps

rough orientation of the plane table
the three lines form a triangle of error
drawing lines back through the three control points
select a point in the triangle of error such that each ray is equally rotated either clockwise or anti clockwise
the points obtained by three rays is the correct location.

The correct sequence is

1.1, 3, 2, 4, 5

2. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

3.1, 4, 3, 2, 5

4. 1, 4, 2, 3, 5

The operation of revolving a plane table about its vertical axis so that all lines on the sheet become parallel to corresponding lines on the ground, is known





The ratio of the distances at which a stated length can be distinguished by the telescope and the human eye, respectively, is called

1.brightness of telescope

2.magnification of telescope

3.resolving power of telescope

4. none of these.

The smaller horizontal angle between the true meridian and a survey line, is known





There are two stations A and B. Which of the following statements is correct :

1.. the fore bearing of AB is AB

2.the back bearing of AB is BA

3. the fore and back bearings of AB differ by 180°

4.all the above.

To avoid large centering error with very short legs, observations are generally made chain pins using optical system for centering the theodolite a target fixed on theodolite tripod on which theodolite may be fitted easily

4.all the above.

To orient a plane table at a point P roughly south of the mid-point of two inaccessible conical hill stations A and B in the plains, a point C is selected in line with AB and table is oriented at C by bringing ab in line with AB. A ray is then drawn towards P and at P the table is oriented by back ray method. The orientation so obtained, is

1.unique and correct


3.manifold and correct

4.not reliable.

Which one of the following statements is correct ?

1.when the axes of rotation of the graduated circle and the verniers are not coincident, the instrument possesses eccentricity

2.the mean of the readings of the two verniers gives correct reading free from the eccentricity vernier may be used if the readings of two verniers differ by a constant

4. all the above.


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