Engineering-Civil Engineering MCQS/Surveying Section 6 Sample Test,Sample questions

If the long chord and tangent length of a circular curve of radius R are equal the angle of deflection, is





In a precision traverse, included angles are measured by setting the vernier

1. to read zero exactly on back station read 5° exactly on back station

3.some where near zero and reading both verniers on back station

4.all the above.

Pick up the correct statement from the following :

1. to locate a gross error in bearing that may exist in controlled theodolite traverse, we may plot the traverse from each end. The traverse station having the same coordinates by each route is the one where the error lies locate a gross error in bearing, in a controlled traverse, we plot the traverse and the station through which perpendicular to sector of the closing line passes is the station at which the error wa locate a gross error due to taping in a controlled traverse, we plot the traverse to a convenient scale. The bearing of the closing error will be approximately the same as that of the leg in which

4.all the above.

Pick up the correct statement from the following :

1.spherical aberration may be reduced by diminishing the aperture

2.spherical aberration may be minimised by replacing the single lens by a combination of the lenses. telescope objectives, a combination of convex lens and concave lens is used.

4.all the above.

Pick up the correct statement from the following :

1. an observation or the resulting reading with the level on a levelling staff is called sight

2.a back sight is the first sight taken after setting up the instrument in any position

3.the first sight on each change point is a fore sight

4. all the above.

Pick up the correct statement from the following :

1.mistakes arise from inattention, inexperience or carelessness

2.systematic errors persist and have regular effects in the survey performances

3.accidental errors occur inspite of every precaution is taken

4. all the above

An imaginary line lying throughout on the surface of the earth and preserving a constant inclination to the horizontal, is called

1. contour line

2.contour gradient

3.level line

4.line of gentle scope.

Diaphragm of a surveying telescope is held inside



3. telescope tube at its mid point

4.telescope at its end nearer the objective.

If the length of a transition curve to be introduced between a straight and a circular curve of radius 500 m is 90 m, the maximum perpendicular offset for the transition curve, is

1. 0.70 m

2.1.70 m

3.2.70 m

4. 3.70 m

If vertical angles of inclined sights do not exceed 10° and non-verticality of the staff remains within 1°, stadia system of tacheometric observations are made on

1.staff normal

2. staff vertical

3.staff normal as well as vertical

4.none of these.

In a theodolite

1. the telescope axis is perpendicular to transit axis

2. the axis of rotation is perpendicular to transit axis

3.the telescope axis, the transit axis and the rotation axis pass through the centre of theodolite

4.all the above.

In horizontal angles, the error due to imperfect levelling of the plate bubble is

1. large when sights are nearly level

2.large for long sights

3.less for steeply inclined sights

4. large for steeply inclined sights.

Pick up the correct statement from the following :

1.The horizontal angle between magnetic meridian and true meridian at a place is called magnetic declination or variance of the compass

2.the imaginary lines which pass through points at which the magnetic declinations are equal at a given time are called isogonic lines

3. the isogonic lines through places at which the declination is zero are termed agonic lines

4.all the above.

Pick up the correct statement from the following : is difficult to eliminate an error completely at first trial

2.instability of the instrument makes it almost impossible to adjust it satisfactorily

3.adjustment screws must be left bearing firmly but should never be forced

4.all the above.

Surveys which are carried out to provide a national grid of control for preparation of accurate maps of large areas, are known

1.plane surveys

2.geodetic surveys

3. geographical surveys

4.topographical surveys.

The imaginary line passing through the intersection of cross hairs and the optical centre of the objective, is known as

1. line of sight

2.line of collimation

3. axis of the telescope

4. none of these.

A dumpy level was set up at mid-point between pegs A and B, 80 m apart and the staff readings were 1.32 and 1.56. When the level was set up at a point 10 m from A on BA produced, the staff readings obtained at A and B were 1.11 and 1.39. The correct staff reading from this set up at S should be




4.none of these.

An angles of 45° with a chain line may be set out with

1. optical square

2. open cross staff

3.Fench cross staff

4.prismatic square.

An internal focussing type surveying telescope, may be focussed by the movement of

1.objective glass of the telescope

2.convex-lens in the telescope

3.concave lens in the telescope

4.plano-convex lens in the telescope.

Horizontal distances obtained tacheometerically are corrected for

1.slope correction

2. temperature correction

3.refraction and curvature correction

4.all the above.

If the length of a transition curve to be introduced between a straight and a circular curve of radius 500 m is 90 m, the maximum deflection angle to locate its junction point, is

1.1°43' 08"

2.1°43' 18"

3.1°43' 28"

4.1°43' 38"

In chain surveying, perpendiculars to the chain line, are set out by

1.a theodolite

2.a prismatic compass

3. a level

4. an optical square

In setting up a plane table at any station

1.levelling is done first

2.centering is done first

3.both levelling and centering are done simultaneously

4.orientation is done first.

In tangential tacheometry, an ordinary level staff is used

1.leaning towards the instrument for inclined sights upward

2.leaning away from the instrument for inclined sights downwards

3.vertical in all cases

4. none of these.

The first reading from a level station is


2.intermediate sight


4.any sight.

Pick up the correct statement from the following :

1.a refracting telescope consists optically of two lenses

2. the principal axes of both the lenses coincide the optical axis of the telescope

3.the lens nearer the object to be viewed is convex and is called objective

4.all the above.

Ranging is an operation of


2. judging the distance

3.determination of slope

4.establishing intermediate points between terminals.

The angle of intersection of a contour and a ridge line, is





The area of any irregular figure of the plotted map is measured with





The boundary of water of a still lake, represents

1.level surface

2.horizontal surface

3.contour line

4.a concave surface.

The curvature of the earth's surface, is taken into account only if the extent of survey is more than

1. 100 sq km

2.160 sq km

3.200 sq km

4.260 sq km.

The difference in the lengths of an arc and its subtended chord on the earth surface for a distance of 18.2 km, is only

1.1 cm

2.5 cm

3.10 cm

4.100 cm

The distances AC and BC are measured from two fixed points A and B whose distance AB is known. The point C is plotted by intersection. This method is generally adopted in

1.chain surveying

2.traverse method of surveys


4.none of these.

The instrument which is used in plane tabling for obtaining horizontal and vertical distances directly without resorting to chaining, is known as

1.Plane alidade

2. telescopic alidade



The length of a traverse leg may be obtained by multiplying the latitude and

1.secant of its reduced bearing

2. sine of its reduced bearing

3.cosine of its reduced bearing

4. tangent of its reduced bearing.

The magnetic bearing of a line is 32° and the magnetic declination is 10° 15' W. The true bearing is

1.21° 45'

2.42° 15'

3.42° 15' W

4. 21° 45' W

The rise and fall method of reduction of levels, provides a check on

1.back sights

2. fore sights

3.intermediate sights

4.all of these.

The sag of 50 m tape weighing 4 kg under 5 kg tension is roughly

1.0.043 m

2. 0.053 m

3.0.063 m

4.0.083 m

The slope correction for a 3° slope for a length of 100 m, is

1.-0.11 m

2.-0.12 m

3.-1.87 m

4.. -0.137 m

The staff intercept will be

1.greater farther off the staff is held

2.smaller, farther off the staff is held

3. smaller, nearer the staff is held

4. same, wherever the staff is held.

While surveying a plot of land by plane tabling, the field observations

1. and plotting proceed simultaneously

2.and plotting do not proceed simultaneously

3.and recorded in field books to be plotted later

4.all the above.

Whole circle bearing of a line is preferred to a quadrantal bearing merely because

1.bearing is not completely specified by an angle

2.bearing is completely specified by an angle

3.Sign of the correction of magnetic declination is different in different quadrants

4. its trigonometrical values may be extracted from ordinary tables easily.


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