English-English MCQ Questions Set/14 Sample Test,Sample questions

A person who enjoys pain is called





A research paper is which of the following?

1.Argumentative papers

2.Definition papers

3.Interpretive papers

4.All of the above

Four words are given out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and click the button corresponding to it.





Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. (It is no good to cry) over past failures.

1.It is of no good crying

2.It is of no good to cry

3.It is no good crying

4.no improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. (It is no good to cry) over past failures.

1.It is of no good crying

2.It is of no good to cry

3.It is no good crying

4.no improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. A new chapter (may been put forth) that India gained Independence only in the last one year and not in 1947.

1.may have been putted forth

2.may be put forth

3.may be left forth

4.No improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. Ajay who (was studying) architecture at present hopes to go to Australia after graduation.


2.has been studying

3.is studying

4.no improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. I wont be able to leave for office until they (arrive).

1.have arrived

2.had arrived

3.will have arrived

4.no improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. In an industry where programmers search in (vain) for fresh ideas it is no wonder that attention spans are short and cliche is king.




4.No improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. It is one thing for adultery to get you a divorce and (quite some other) for it to lead you to incarceration.

1.quite another

2.quite anyother

3.quite everyother

4.No improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. Life in (more) thriving towns is intimately connected with the local trades and industries.


2.much more


4.No improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. She emanated ebullience as she (learn) about her first rank in the exam.



3.had learn

4.No improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. The response to that challenge is to make the gains of globalization more visible and its transient downsides(politically less paining).improvement

1.politically less pained

2.politically less painful

3.politically less pain


Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. The state has (declined negotiate) any more trade-offs on this proposal or accept calls for stringent transparency requirements.

1.declined to negotiation

2.declined to negotiating

3.declined to negotiale

4.No improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. What if the government itself fails (to tackle that divisions) and lets parts of the country drift into anarchy again.

1.to tackled that divisions

2.to tackle these divisions

3.to tackle these division

4.No improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.Having finished the voluminous novel (it was being put away by him).

1.was put away by him

2.he has had put it away

3.he put it away

4.no improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.Ramesh says he has already repaid me but I cant recall so I ll have (to take his word).

1.to take his word as true

2.to take him at his word

3.to take his for word for it

4.no improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.The teacher said It is time that your daughter (has learned) how to write.


2.had learnt


4.no improvement

In the following items each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentence are given in the beginning as S1 and S6. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled P Q R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark your response accordingly on the Answer Sheet.S1 :Dont you think that the housefly is a nuisance?S6:When you see a fly rubbing its legs together it is just cleaning itself and scraping off some of the material that has gathered there.P:For ages thats what man considered the fly to be just a nuisance.Q:It was discovered that these flies carried disease germs that cause the death of millions of people every year.R:But now we know that the innocent-looking housefly is one of mans worst enemies.S:It makes an irritating buzzing sound; it annoys you when it crawls on your skin; and soon.The proper sequence should be

1.R Q P S

2.P Q S R

3.Q P R S

4.S P R Q

In the following items each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentence are given in the beginning as S1 and S6. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled P Q R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark your response accordingly on the Answer Sheet.S1 :Why do the English travel?S6:For here in cosmopolitan England one is always exposed to the danger of meeting all sorts of peculiar aliens.P:Besides they are taught that travel broadens the mind.Q:They do so mainly because their neighbor does this and they have caught the bug from him.R:Although they have now discovered the sad truth that whatever travel may do to the mind it certainly broadens other parts of the body.S:But and perhaps mainly they travel to avoid foreigners.The proper sequence should be

1.R S Q P

2.P R S Q

3.S Q P R

4.Q P R S

In the following passage some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.Job performance is ______ by a number of factors. Motivation alone does not lead to increased performance. Ability and technology moderates the relationship between motivation and performance. The higher the levels of ability and motivation the ______ the level of performance will be. However increasing motivation beyond an ______ level tends to ______ a dysfunctional result because it is ______ by an increased level of anxiety.tends to ______ a dysfunctional result





In the following question a sentence has been given in Active/Passive voice. Out of four alternatives suggested select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active voice. Saima mailed her application for a new job.

1.The application for a new job had been mailed by Saima.

2.The application for a new job has been mailed by Saima.

3.The application for her new job has been mailed by Saima.

4.The application for a new job was mailed by Saima.

In the following question out of the four alternatives select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.Lend me your ear

1.To politely ask for someones full attention

2.Begging someone to listen to your grievances

3.When nobody is willing to hear your side of the story

4.Call someone for severe scolding.

In the following question out of the given four alternatives select the one which best expresses the meaning of the given wordPalliate





In the following question the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the fourand indicate it by selecting the appropriate optionShe must ______ a great time at her birthday party.

1.be having


3.be had

4.is having

In the following question the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the fourand indicate it by selecting the appropriate optionShe must ______ a great time at her birthday party.

1.A) be having


3.be had

4.is having

One who believes in fate





Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives. The flora and fauna of Cubbon Park captures our attention more than anything else. But when you take time to look closely at the statue you will marvel at its sheer grandeur. Sculpted by Sir Thomas Brock the 11 feet high marble statue is larger than life. It brings out the personality of Queen Victoria who had been the Monarch of Great Britain from 1837 till 1901 depicting a rather proud stern person with pronounced features.In 1906 the statue was unveiled in the city by George Frederick Ernest Albert Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall and York making it stand in all its glory in its 111th year. Even though there is a wealth of history to the statue and it was made to appear imposing the busy Bengalureans would probably refer to it as just another landmark. As the workers are busy in discussion on the instructions given to them life continues as usual in the Park.Which of the following is false regarding the Queen Victoria statue in Bengaluru?

1.It is made of marble

2.It is 11 feet tall

3.It is 111 years old

4.It is standing in Queen Victoria park

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.Eight north Indian Ocean countries namely Bangladesh India the Maldives Myanmar Oman Pakistan Sri Lanka and Thailand were asked to contribute names so that a combined list could be compiled. Each country gave eight names and a combined list of 64 names was prepared. This list is currently in use and all cyclones arising in the north Indian Ocean are named from this list with one name from each country being used in turn. Almost 38 or 39 names from the list have been used up but since many cyclones dissipate long before they hit land their names rarely figure in the papers or other media. The names that people do know about and remember are naturally those that were most destructive ones or very recent. Aila in 2009 is remembered with a shudder for the enormous destruction it caused in West Bengal and Bangladesh; Phaillin also for the damage it caused when it hit the Odisha coast in 2013. Two harmless cyclones which also might remain in peoples memory are the more recent ones of 2014  Hudhud which threatened the east coast of India and Nilofar which was expected to but did not devastate the western coast. The names in the cyclone list are usually words one associates with storms; words which mean water or wind or lightning in various national languages. Sometimes they are names of other things  birds or flowers or precious stones. The name Aila contributed by the Maldives means fire the name Phaillin from Thailand means sapphire the name Hudhud from Oman is the name of a bird probably the hoopoe and the name Nilofar given by Pakistan is the Urdu name of the lotus or water lily. The eight names suggested by India and which are in the list of 64 are Agni Akaash Bijli Jal Leher Megh Sagar and Vayu meaning in that order fire sky lightning water wave cloud sea and wind. Five of these names (that is up to Leher) have been used so far.Which of the following names is a type of a precious stone?





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order. However the major drawbackP-of this process is thatQ-there is no legally bindingR-outcome at the end of six years 





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order. It is hard toP-of someQ-miss the political significanceR-of these beneficiaries 





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order. It is high timeP-about the cost andQ-the government started thinkingR-quality of power supply 





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.Even more astonishinglyP-he cast as beautifulQ-he went on toR-describe the vote





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.If per capita income is takenP-as the measure then we areQ-away from great power statusR-still some distance





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.Seven decades agoP-Orwell wrote a clutchQ-for the post-World War II British journal PolemicR-of essays





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.The arbitrationP -dented Chinas interestsQ -in multiple waysR -award has nevertheless





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.The economicP : a country leads to exponentialQ : growth of that countryR : empowerment of women of 





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct orderThe last issueP-can bend policy by virtue of its control over its usersQ-how a powerful monopolyR-we need to examine is





Select the antonym of conception





Select the antonym of panacea





Select the antonym of to wring

1.to gouge

2.to untwist

3.to extort

4.to choke

Select the antonym of vivified





Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.7 : 19 :: 10 : ?





Select the synonym of hypnotist





Select the synonym of snarl





Smallest units of meaning in a language





Smallest units of meaning in a language





The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.P- The magnitude of the interdependence depends on the technique of production causing the shifts in the food supply curve.Q- Interdependence of food and labour market is important for the development process.R- Similarly an upward shift in the food supply curve shifts up the food demand curve.S- An upward shift in the food supply curve would simultaneously result in an upward shift in the labour demand curve.





Which best describes the meaning of the word politics?

1.It is the power of the executive branch to carry out the laws.

2.It is the process by which the President commands the military.

3.It is the power of the executive branch to conduct foreign policy

4.It determines who will benefit from and who will pay for public policies.

Which of the following is NOT an allotrope of carbon?






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