According to the Mandan thinkers
1.There can be no justice under the capitalist system
2.Justice under Capitalist system is possible only if key industries are nationalised
3.Justice has no relation with the system of production
4. Justice under capitalist system is possible only if the workers are given due share in the management of industries
Constitution is an instrument of:
1. Legal Justice
2. Social Justice
3.Political Justice
4.Economic Justice
Economic dimensions of justice have been emphasised by:
4.All the there
In the economic sphere justice implies:
1.A person whould be permitted to keep the unearned income
2.Every body should be given same salary irrespective of the nature of job
3.There should be free play of economic forces in the society
4.The basic needs of all the people must be met
The view that there is close relationship between justice and equality is attributed to:
Which aspect of justice was emphasises by the Greeks?
Which one of the following thinkers interpreted justice as allotment of functions to person in accordance with his ability and training?
Who of the following stressed that justice laid in giving maximum happiness to maximum number of people?
During revolutionary period about justice stress was laid on:
1.Political aspect
2.Moral aspect
3.Human aspect
4.Philosophical aspect
Fair and free participation in elections is associated with:
1. Legal justice
2.Social justice
3.Economic justice
4.Political justice
In our modern times it is believed that justice is:
1.Opposed to equality
2.Opposed to liberty
3.Anti-thesis of equality and liberty
In which book Plato elaborated his theory of justice?
4.All the above books
It the primitive societies justice was based on:
1.Perfect equality
2. Rule of law
3.Impartiality of judiciary
4.Tit for tat
Platos concept of justice was based on:
1. Economic considerations
2.Political considerations
3.Social considerations
4.Ethical and philosophical considerations
The chances of getting justice are available in:
1.Parliamentary form of Government only
2.Presidential form of government only
3. Aristocracies only
4.Democratic system of Government
The denial of right to a particular section of society in the law-making and making process is a violation of the principle of:
1.Natural Justice
2.Political Justice
3.Legal justice has no relationship with punishment
4.All the above
The term justice has been drawn from the Latin term:
The world justice has been derived from justitia which belong to language:
Which one of the following features of Legal Justice has been wrongly listed?
1.There can be no justice without law
2.There must be courts or other semi-judicial bodies to impart justice
3. Legal justice has no relationship with punishment
4.Legal justice demands equal rights for all members with discrimination
Which one of the following is not an attribute of justice?
1.It means regard for personal dignity
2.It means equality before law
3. It means equality before law
4.It means development of personality
Who of the following is not associated with analytical school about justice?
Who pleaded for the harmonization of individual and collective interests?
2.Early Liberal thinkers
3.Liberal writers of 20th century
4.All the above
According to Earnest Barker justice is:
1.A virtue that cannot be separated from the virtues of temperance courage and wisdom
2.Not a matter of outright equality but is rather a matter of right proportion
3.A mtter of human relations which change and grow in the process of time with changes of social thought and it adjusts itself and changes accordingly
4.The first virtue of social institutions as truth is of systems of thought
Aristotle speaks of two types of justice one particular justice and the other:
1.Social Justice
2.General justice
3. Distributive justice
4.Political justice
Eye for eye and tooth for a tooth" is the guiding principle of:
1.Retributive theory of justice
2.Deterrent theory of justice
3.Reformative theory of justice
4. All the above theories
In his philosophy Plato has associated justice with:
In our modern society it is believed that justice and liberty are:
1. Contradictory to each other
2.Complementary to each other
3.Cooperate with each other only when necessary
4. Partially complementary and partially contradictory to each other
In the political shpere justice consists in:
1.Entrusting the responsibility of government to propertied people who know the art of governing
2. Entrusting power to the educated people
3.Giving share to all persons in the administration of their country
4.Maintaining the status quo
Justice is essentially a:
1.Legal concept
2.Moral concept
3. Social concept
4. Complex concept combining all the above and other concepts
Justice means that:
1.There cannot be any discrimination
2.There can be discrimination on just grounds
3.Discrimination can be made in accordance with majority view
4.Discrimination can be made according to the wishes of King
Karl Marxs name is associated with:
1.Economic aspect of justice
2.Legal aspect of justice
3.Classical aspect of justice
4.Social aspect of justice
Kautilya is associated with the exposition of:
1.Legal Theory of Justice
2.Retributive Theory of Justice
3.Deterrent Theory of Justice
4.Reformative Theory of Justice
Maximum stress about economic aspect of justice has been laid by:
Political justice is ensured by:
2.Political parties
4.All the there
Political justice is obtainable when the people have:
1.Freedom to worship
2.Freedom to held private property
3. Freedom to cast vote in the way they like
4.Freedom to have family life
Socially to Plato Justice meant that:
1. A class should do its work in social carde or political plane to which it was called by its peculiar properties
2.Society should defend with all its might the right of its members
3.All the members and groups of society should be treated equal
4.There should be an elaborate system of law to provide justice to the citizens
St. Augustine believed that justice could be possible only when:
1.State did not interfere in religion
2.State actively interfered in religion
3.State intervened in religion when called upon to do so
4.Religion and state complemented each other
The concept of justice in purely economic terms was popularised by
1.Adam Smith
The concept of justice in the sense of greatest happiness of the greatest number was populrised by:
The concept of justice is applicable only to:
1.Dealings with human beings
2.Dealings with all living beings
3.Dealings with living as well as non-living beings
4.None of the above
The Concept of Justice:
1. Is very old
2.Originated in the sixteenth century
3.Originated in the twentieth century
4.Originated with the dawn of democracy
The dimensions of legal justice are determined by:
3.Constitution and statutes
4.All the three mentioned above
The history of political philosophy is the history of quest for:
The idealist theory of Justice which emphasised the moral element of justice was first of all propounded by:
The modern state tries to ensure justice to its citizens through:
1.Management institutions
2.Regulation of the economy of the country
3.Maintenance of system of law courts
4. All the above
The Parliament and the Constitution are instruments of:
1.Legal Justice
2.Political Justice
3.Economic Justice
4.Social Justice
The principles of liberty equity and fraternity were let loose by:
1.The Glorious Revolution of 1688
2.The French Revolution of 1789
3.The American War of Independence
4.The Russian Revolution of October 1917
The Retributive Theory of Justice is rooted in:
1.The principle of deterrent punishment to criminals
2.The principle of revenge
3.The principle that punishment should aim at reforming the criminals
4.The principle of hate the sin and not the sinner
The view that there is close relationship between Justice and Equality is attributed to
The view that there is close relationship between Justice and Liberty is associated with the:
What is justice according to Plato?
1. Equality before law
2.Equal distribution of property
3.Equal religious freedom
4.Right of every citizen to do what he qualified
Which of the following is not true about Platos concept of justice?
1.He stressed only on inward aspect of human personality
2.For him justice was a socail bond
3.For him justice should help in maintaining social order
4.It was based on citizens sense of duty
Which one of the following attributes of Justice has been wrongly listed below?
1.Justice is viewed in relation to human beings
2.Justice has a relation with equality
3.Justice has relation with liberty as well as equality
4.Justice does not permit discrimination under any circumstances
Which one of the following attributes of justice has been wrongly listed?
1. It is related to dealings among human beings
2. Impartiality in the tretment of various persons
3.It does not permit discrimination under any circumstances
4. It emphasises the importance of personal dignity
Which one of the following does not fail within the dimensions of social justice?
1.Emphasis on elimination of all kinds of discrimination and privileges
2.Emphasis on elimination of the social evils prevailing in the society
3.Emphasis on the need of concerted action to Improve the lot of the weaker sections of society
4.Adjustment of societys interests to ensure individual happiness
Which one of the following institutions gives shape to the dimensions of justice?
1. The Constitution
2.The Parliament
3.The Courts
4.All the above
Which one of the following is not an attribute of justice?
1.It deals with human beings
2.It means impartiality
3.It means rule of law
4.It means maintenance of discrimination
Which one of the following is not true about legal aspect of justice?
1.Law is the main source of justice
2.Each individual is not entitled to protection before law
3.Courts should be responsible for enforcing law
4.It is closely linked with punishment
Which one of the following is not true about Marxian concept of justice?
1.The state ensured justice to the rich
2.The judicial system protected the rich
3.The poor had no chances to get justice
4.The poor could possibly get justice in capitalist state
Which one of the following is true about Aristotles views about justice?
1.It should promote religion
2.It should be available to the rich
3.It was what philosopher king thought was just
4. It should be available both to the citizens and the slaves
Which one of the following is true about modern state to ensure that people got justice?
1.It ensures impartiality of judiciary
2. It provides strong police force
3. It opens employment exchanges
4.It does not interfere in the religious affairs of the people
Which one of the following is true about modern states for giving justice to the people?
1.The state runs educational institution
2.The state provides scholarships for studies abroad
3.The state encourages right to property
4.The state maintains courts of law
Which one of the following states is most conducive to justice?
1. Socialist State
2.Democratic State
3.Aristocratic State
4.Authoritarian State
Which theory of justice is based on the principle kill the sin and not the sinner?
1.Retributive theory of justice
2.Reformative Theory
3.Deterrent Theory of Justice
4.None of the above
Who asserted that justice implies allotment of functions to a person in accordance with his ability and training?
1. Barker
4. None of the above
Who of the following has tried to establish a close link between justice and liberty?
Who of the following thinkers took justice as an ethical standard of virtue in social and public relationship?