The formation of Cabinet starts with the appointment of the Prime Minister, who is:
1. The leader of the majority party in the Parliament
2.Nominated by the Speaker of the popular house
3.Nominated by the head of the state D. None of the above
4.None of the above
Which one of the following defects has been wrongly listed as a demerit of Cabinet Government?
1.It encourages dictatiorship of Cabinet
2. It provides for an instable government
3.It ensures efficiency of administration
4.It is not suitable for dealing effectively with the emergencies
Which one of the followings has been wrongly listed as a merit of Cabinet Government
1.It makes changes in government possible without formal elections
2. It makes changes in government possible through elections
3. It ensures the accountability of the ministers to the people through their representatives
4.It appraises the people with the problems facing the country
Cabinet Government averts conflicts between the legislature and the exec dive by:
1. Only his resignation
2.By ensuring harmonious relations between the two
3.By freeing the executive of all control by the legislature
4.By protecting the legislature against undue interference by the executive
Cabinet Government has great educative value because:
1. It invariably provide; freedom to press
2.It makes provision for free and compulsory education
3.All the problems facing the country are freely discussed parliament and through other medias
4.Of all the above rea
Cabinet Government is based on:
1.Separation of legislature and executive
2.Fusion of legislature and executive
3.Fusion of legislature executive and judiciary
4.None of the above
Generally, the majority of the members of Cabinet are taken from:
1.The popular house
2.The upper house
3.None of the two houses
4.Experienced civil servants
Political homogeneity, which is a feature of Cabinet Government implies:
1. All the members of Cabinet must be taken from the same political party
2.The members of the/Cabinet should be taken from all the political parties
3.Members of Cabinet should be taken from various parties in
4.None of the above
Under Cabinet Government the right to reshuffle the Cabinet rests with:
1.The head of the state
2.The Prime Minister
3. The Speaker
4.The Select Committee of the Cabinet
A person can be a member of Cabinet without being a member of Parliament for a maximum period of:
1.Three months
2.Six months
3.One year
4.Two years
Cabinet Government works best under:
1.Single party system
2.Two-party system
3. Multi-party system
4.Partyless system
Cabinet System of Government was first of all initiated in:
Collective Responsibility of the Cabinet means:
1.All the ministers swim or sink together
2.All the decisions are taken by the Cabinet Ministers collectively
3.The decisions taken by the Cabinet must be-formally signed by all the ministers
4.None of the above
Most of the principles of Cabinet Government took permanent shape:
1. By the close of eighteenth century
2.By the middle of the nineteenth century
3.During the twentieth century
4.By 1688
The Cabinet Government is also known as:
1.Absolute Government
2.Responsible Government
3.Non-parliamentary Government
4.Coalition Government
The Cabinet System of Government which made a beginning during the times of George I suffered a setback:
1. During the times of George II
2.During the Glorious Revolution of 1688
3.During the Second World War
4.During the times of George III
The Cabinet was for the first time accorded legal recognition in Britain in:
The head of the state can remove a member of the Cabinet
1. The Speaker
2.In his discretion
3. On the advice of the Prime Minister
4.None of the above
The members of the Cabinet hold office:
1.For a fixed term
2.. During the pleasure of the head of the date
3.As long as it enjoys support of majority of the members of Parliament popular house
4.None of the above
The Prime Minister is central to the formation of the Cabinet because:
1. He presides over the meetings of the Cabinet
2. Cabinet is constituted around him
3.He can include anyone he likes in his Cabinet
4.He can dismiss any member of the Cabinet
The real executive authority under Cabinet Government rests with:
1. The Council of Ministers
2.The Prime Minister
3.The Constitution
4.The Parliament
The real executive under Cabinet Government is accountable to:
2.The head of the State
3.The Parliament
4.The people directly
Under Cabinet Government the administration of the state is carried on in the name of:
1. The people
2.The Prime Minister
3.The Council of Minsters
4.The nominal Executive Head
Under Cabinet Government the ministers:
1.Must be members of Parliament
2. Cannot be members of Parliament
3.Mayor may not be members of Parliament
4.Must be members of Popular house of Parliament
Which one of the following features of Cabinet Government has been wrongly listed?
1.The President is the Head of the Cabinet
2.The President enjoys only nominal executive powers
3.There is close co-operation between the legislature and executive
4. All the Ministers of the Cabinet are taken from the same party
Which one of the following functions has been wrongly attributed to the Cabinet under Cabinet System?
1.It introduces important bills in the house
2.It defends the policy of the Government on the floor of house
3.In introduces the budget in the Parliament
4.None of the above
Which one of the following functions of the Prime Minister has been wrongly listed?
1.He presides over the meetings of the Cabinet:
2.He prepares the agenda for the meetings of the Cabinet
3.He co-ordinates the working of various departments
4.He chairs the meetings of the various standing and ad-hoc Committees of parliament