Enzyklopadie der philosophischen Wissenschaften (Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences) is written by:
1.Carter Charles
2. Thomas Hobbes
3.George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
4.Immanuel Kant
In The Symposium what Geeek playwright suggests that all human beings are seeking their missing other halves?
Phanomenologie des Geistes is written by:
1.Geo Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
2.Jeremy Bentham
3.Thomas Hobbes
4.Carter Charles
Political Science: Looking to the Future book is written by:
2.Crotty William
3.Mathew McCubbins
4.Francis Fukuyama
The Logic of Hegel is translated by:
1.Carter Charles
2.Robert Cooper
3.Jeremy Bentham
4.William Wallace
Who was the creator of German Idealism?
1.Immanuel Kant
2.George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
3. Jeans Jacques Rousseau
4.None of these
Who wrote the book A manual of historical research methodology?
1.Sreedharan E
2.Morgan Edmund S
3.Catherine Boone
4. None of these
Who wrote the book Political Science and Area Studies: Rivals or Partners?
1.T.E. Cronin
2.Pya Lucian W.
3.hompson J.W. and S. K. Padover
4. None of these
Aussenpolitik und Demokratie (Foreign Policy and Democracy) book is written by:
1.Catherine Boone
2.Francis Fukuyama
3. Hans Kochler
4.None of these
Contemporary Political Science in the U.S.A. And Western Europe book is written by:
1.Gant Michael M
2.Small Melvin
3.Thompson J.W and S.K. Padover
4. G. Shakhnazarov
Department of State: A Reference History book is written by?
1.Plischke E.U.S.
2.Jan Crawford Greenburg
3.Catherine Boone
4.None of these
George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a:
1.Britain Philosopher
2.German philsopher
3.Russian philosopher
4.American philosopher
Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts is written by:
1.Immanuel Kant
2.George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
3.Thomas Sowell
4.Jeremy Bentham
Hegel was appointed Roctor of the University in:
In Search of Theory book is written by:
1.Horn david Bayne
2.Small Melvin
3.R.W. Mansbach and J.A. Vasquez
4.None of these
Lecturer on the History of Philosophy is written by:
1.Morgan Edmund S
2.George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
3.Thomas Hobbes
4.Jeremy Bentham
Lectures on Philosophy of Religion is written by:
1.Carter Charlas
2.Thomas Sowell
3.George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
4.Jeremy Bentham
Men and citizens in the theory of international relations books is written by:
1.Mathew McCubbins
2.Jean Jacques Rousseau
3.Morgan Edmund S
4.Andrew Linklater
Splendid Encounters book is written by:
1.Thompson J.W. and S.K. Padover
2.Small Melvin
3.Noan Chomsky
4.Jones Dorothy V
The American Science of Politics book is written by:
1.Bob Woodward
2.T.E. Cronin
3.B. Crick
4. None of these
The Difference Between Fichte s and Schelling s Systems of Philosophy is written by:
1.George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
2.Carter Charles
3.Immanuel Kant
4.Robert Cooper
The Rochester School book is written by:
1.Jean-Jacques Rousseau
2.Morgan Edmund S
3.Amadae S.M and Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
4.Kevin Phillips
Who wrote the book Bridges and Boundaries Historians Political Scientists and the Study of International Relations?
1.Noam Chomsky
2.Elman C. & Elman M.F
3.Small Melvin
4.None of these
Who wrote the book Polities among Nations?
1.Noam Chomsky
2. Gabrel A. Almond
3. H.J. Morgenthau
4.None of these
Who wrote the book That Noble Science of Politics?
1.Mathew McCubbins
2. Thompson J.W and S.K. Padover
3.Collini Stefan Donald Winch and John Burrow
4.Kammen Michael
A textbook of historiography; 500 BC to AD 2000 book is written by:
1.Kammen Michael
2.Sreedharan E.
3.Horn David Bayne
4.Jan Crawford Greenburg
Admirals Generals and American Foreign Policy book is written by:
1.Challener Richard D
2.Gabriel A. Almond
3.Catherine Boone
4.None of these
Differenz des Fichteschen und Schellingschen System der Philosophie is written by:
1.Carter Charles
2.Thomas Sowell
3.Jeremy Bentham
4.George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Elements of the Philosophy of Right is written by:
1. Thomas Hobbes
2.Morgan Edmund S
3.George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
4.Robert Cooper
George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel s Philosophy of right was published in:
Hegel s Philosophy of Mind tr William Wallace is written by:
1.Robert Cooper
2.Carter Charles
3.Jeremy Bentham
4.George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Hegel s Philosophy of Nature was translated by:
1. Thomas Hobbes
2.A.V. Miller
3.Thomas Sowell
4.Immanuel Kant
Hegel s tomb is located in:
2.New York
Lectures on Aesthetics is written by:
1.George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
2.Morgan Edmund S
3.Immanuel Kant
4.Robert Cooper
Paths to Power book is Written by:
1.Gabriel A. Almond
2. Hogan M.J
3.Bob Woodward
4.Gant Michael M
Perpetual Peace book is written by:
1. Small Melvin
2.Noam Chomsky
3.Horn David Bayne
4. Immanuel Kant
Phenomenology of Mind is written by:
1.Thomas Sowell
2.George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
3.Jeremy Bentham
4.Robert Cooper
Platonic studies book was written by:
1.Jacob A. Kline
2.G. Vlastos
3.Paul Shorey
4.A.E. Taylor
Political Science: The State of the Discipline book is written by:
1.Mathew McCubbins
2.Jan Crawford Greenburg
3.Finifter Ada W
4. None of these
Promises to Keep book is written by:
1. Joe Biden
2.T.E. Cronin
3.Gant Michael M
4.None of these
Published posthumously:
1.Lectures on Aesthetics
2.Lectures on Philosophy of Religion
3. Lectures on the History of Philosophy
4.All of the above
Science of Logic is written by:
1.H. Jackson
2.Thomas Hobbes
3. George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
4.Robert Cooper
Studies in Diplomatic History book is written by:
1. Kevin Phillips
2. Morgan Edmund S
3.Hatton Ragnhild and M.S. Anderson
4.None of these
That Banana Wars book is written by:
1.Noam Chomsky
2.Langley Lester D
3.T.E. Cronin
4.Kevin Phillips
The American Science of Politics: Its Origins and Conditions book is written by:
1.Morgan Edmund S
2.Catherine Boone
3.Horn David Bayne
4.Crick Bernard
The Development of American Political Science book is written by:
1.Kammen Michael
2.Kevin Phillips
3.Somit Albert and Joseph Tanenhaus
4. None of these
The Elements of the Philosophy of Right his political philosophy was published in:
The Prince book is written by:
1.Niccolo Machiavelli
2.Gabriel A. Almond
3.T.E. Cronin
4.None of these
The Rise of Modern Diplomacy book is written by:
1.Gant Michael M
2.Anderson M.S
3.Gabriel A. Almond
4.None of these
The Tragedy of Political Science: Politics Scholarship and Democracy book is written by:
1.Noam Chomsky
2.Horn David Bayne
3.Small Melvin
4. Ricci David
Theories of International Relations book is written by:
1.Immanuel Kant
2. Scott Burehill
3.Catherine Boone
4.None of these
What Plato Sid book was written by:
1.A.E. Taylor
2.Paul Shorey
3.Jacob A. Kline
4.G. Vlastos
Who said Democracy is a charming form of government full of variety and disorder and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequal alike.
Who wrote the book A Hundred Years of International Relations?
1.T.E. Cronin
2. F.S. Northedge and M.J. Grieve
3.Morgan Edmund S
4.Jan Crawford Greenburg
Who wrote the book A theory of Justice?
1.Jean-Jacques Rousseau
2.Francis Fukuyama
3.Thompson J.W. and S.K. Padovel
4.D. J. Rawls
Who wrote the book Comparative Politics: A Developmental Approach?
1.Jan Crawford Greenburg
2.G. Almond and G.B. Powell
3.Gabriel A. Almond
4. None of these
Who wrote the book Democracy and the International Rule of Law:
1.Hans Kochler
2.Kammen Michael
3.Jan Crawford Greenburg
4.None of these
Who wrote the book Diplomacy. The World of the Honest Spy?
1.Morgan Edmund S
2.Barder Peter
3.T.E. Cronin
4.None of these
Who wrote the book Discipline and History: Political Science in the United States?
1.Gabriel A. Almond
2. Gent. Michelle M
3.Farr James and Raymond Seidelman
4. None of these
Who wrote the book Disenchanted Realists: Political Science and the American Crisis?
1.Jan Crawford Greenburg
2.Seidelman Raymond and Edward J. Harpham
3.Gent. Michael M
4. None of these
Who wrote the book Embajada Espanola:
1.Jaffrey K. Tulis
2.Chaytor H.J. Trans
3. Jan Crawford Greenburg
4.None of these
Who wrote the book Gunboat Diplomacy?
1.Small Melvin
2.Jeffrey K. Tulis
3.Cable James
4.None of these
Who wrote the book International Relations Theory: A Critical Introduction?
1.Cynthia Weber
2.Kevin Phillips
3.Thompson J.W. and S.K. Padover
4.None of these
Who wrote the book International Relations?
1.Gant Michael M
2.Bob Woodward
3.Catherine Boone
4.F.S. Pearson and J.M. Rochester
Who wrote the book Politics Parties and Pressure Groups?
1.V.O. Key
2.Morgan Edmund S
3.Catherine Boone
4. None of these
Who wrote the book The British Diplomatic Service?
1.Mathew McCubbins
2.Horn David Bayne
3. Francis Fukuyama
4.None of these
Who wrote the book The World is Flat? A Critical Analysis?
1.Noam Chomsky
2.Small Melvin
3.Ronald Aronica
4. None of these
Who wrote the book. The Exterritoriality of Ambassadors in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries?
1.Small Melvin
2.Francis Fukuyama
3.Adair E.R
4.None of these
Wissenschaft der Logik is written by:
1.George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
2.Immanuel Kant
3.Thomas Sowell
4.Jeremy Bentham