In ancient India many of the Greeks Kushana and Shakas embraced Buddhism instead of Hinduism. What could be reasons of this?Most of them embraced Buddhism after renouncing the policy of war as it suited to themBuddhism provided easier access to the Indian societyThe caste-ridden Hinduism could not attract themSelect the correct option from the codes given below:

In ancient India many of the Greeks Kushana and Shakas embraced Buddhism instead of Hinduism. What could be reasons of this?Most of them embraced Buddhism after renouncing the policy of war as it suited to themBuddhism provided easier access to the Indian societyThe caste-ridden Hinduism could not attract themSelect the correct option from the codes given below: 

1.Only 1 & 2

2.Only 1 & 3

3.Only 3

4.1 2 & 3

Posted Date:-2021-11-05 18:22:12

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