The countries these days are most worried about the currency war. They are arguing about whose actions harmed the world economy the most. What are the views of the rich countries, particularly USA, in this regard ? (A) They feel that it was China who was unwilling to allow the Yuan to rise. (B) They feel that it was India who had snatched jobs in most of the European countries and USA. This made the situation more grim. (C) Some countries feel that it was Japan who allowed swapping of its currency with other nations and created a grim situation in world market.

The countries these days are most worried about the currency war. They are arguing about whose actions harmed the world economy the most. What are the views of the rich countries, particularly USA, in this regard ?
(A) They feel that it was China who was unwilling to allow the Yuan to rise.

(B) They feel that it was India who had snatched jobs in most of the European countries and USA. This made the situation more grim.

(C) Some countries feel that it was Japan who allowed swapping of its currency with other nations and created a grim situation in world market.

1.Only (A)

2.Only (C)

3.Only (B)

4. All (A), (B) and (C)

Posted Date:-2022-04-20 13:47:01

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